Chapter 6- Leave this place

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"Artemis, what's wrong?" He grabbed my arm that had the cut and started working on stitching it up, I know I'm a wolf and that I heal quicker but an open wound will only slow things down. I held my head in my other hand.

'You need to tell him Blake, he could make things better.' Artemis sounded sad because of me, but I know what I want to do.

'I'm not telling him Artemis and that's final! Even if I did what would I say, I like you but not as a friend also, I'm going to kill you!' I yelled at her for no reason and now I feel terrible.

"If your not going to tell me what's wrong then let me ask a different question. What were you doing in the woods on the night we found you?" I forgot all about what happened even though it was only a week ago, I think.

"I- I was chased by s- something that killed m- my parents." I kept stuttering throughout the sentence, I couldn't control my sadness. I looked up at him and he stared into my eyes, there was a sadness in them but he smiled at me and continued working on my arm.

"Did this something have red eyes?" I nodded at him not wanting to say anything. "You were chased by a wolf that was bitten by a vampire or more specifically the queen vampire Lilyana. It's rare but it happens. You weren't bitten by it were you?"

I shook my head and said, "I made it to the forest, it stopped chasing me and headed back to my house, I just stayed in the forest and waited for something to get me." He finished stitching my arm and looked at me.

"You know, the dagger you got kills things that have tainted hearts. So, for example, the Wolven that was bitten by the vampire. Or something that has killed it's own kind. It'll kill them very easily for you." It's making a bit of sense but it's still confusing me.

"But how do you do that?" He got up and grabbed my dagger from the drawers and he also grabbed his from his pocket. His had a black blade and a silver grip but had a navy gem and a navy hand guard.

"The gem on the blade does the trick, you hold it at them in human form and they evaporate, you don't need to say anything just have to make sure they look at the gem, even if it's for a split second. If you're in wolf form though, you go for their heads." So much to learn and so little time. There was an awkward silence but Jet broke it with the wrong question to ask me.

"What actually happened to your arm?" That's exactly what I didn't want him to ask. I don't want to lie to him but I can't tell the truth.

"Like Luna said, I tripped." He sighed, I'm pretty sure he knows I'm lying but I don't want him to yell at Luna. As much as I hate her I don't want to dob on her.

"If you don't tell me the truth, then I'm taking the dagger away from you for a week." I guess I have to tell him the truth. I don't want to lose my dagger.

I sighed, "don't get mad at me but Luna wanted me to take her dagger from her but she sidestepped and cut my arm." He started to get angry but he gave me a smile and held my hand.

"Thank you for telling me the truth Arti. You can have your dagger back." He gave me my dagger. Jet got up and started walking towards the door but there was something I had to ask.

"What were you doing today?" I stood up to ask him. If he says nothing Luna is in big trouble by me and probably Jet now. He turned around and spoke. I only realised now that he's at least a head taller than me.

"I wasn't doing anything, why?" Damn you Luna, she lied to me. I freaking knew it!

"Don't worry, I was just curious." He patted my head, which made my heart go wild but it also made me feel like a little kid.

"I'm not a child you know." I hope I sounded annoyed, I want him to know that I was.

"You're blushing again Arti," I put my hands on my cheeks to cover them. "I'll see you tomorrow." He left and I took my hands from my cheeks and looked down.

"Maybe." I sighed. I want to stay here with Jet but if I'm going to end up killing him, then I'm not staying. I'm making my final decision, I'm leaving.

I waited a few hours just to make sure that there was no one around, while I was waiting I looked for something to right on and I found some paper and a pen. I wrote 'I'm sorry but I can't stay, if I do everyone will die. Artemis'. Im still not entirely sure if they're talking about me being so dangerous but it's never to late to leave. I didn't pack anything but I did change into warmer clothes, I put my dagger into my back pocket and left The Crescent for good.

'Artemis will you transform for me? Please?' She sounded sad but she did it. I transformed into the wolf I am inside and ran out of the area. I don't know where I'm going to go but I just want to get out of the area, away from Lily, Phoenix and especially Jet.

I've been running away for about an hour and to my surprise I haven't seen an ending to the woods yet. I am starting to get tired though but I'm not stopping until I think I'm far enough.

'Blake, I've got to stop... I can't do this anymore...' Artemis was extremely tired and I do feel bad for her but I have to keep running no matter what.

All of a sudden I flew through the air but in human form, it was a forced transformation. I was rolling and tumbling along the ground until it finally came to an end. I was lying on my stomach when I noticed the stitches on my arm broke apart and caused excruciating pain to travel up and down my arm. I bumped my head on rocks so my vision is blurry and my ears are ringing, but apart from that I'm ok.

At this moment everything was going wrong. I can't hear Artemis and I my body aches, I screamed at nothing I was that annoyed! I guess hitting my head on the rocks knocked some sense into me but not enough for me to go back, and besides I'm lost in the middle of the woods and I don't know which way to go.

"Excuse me, are you ok?" I heard a man yell from a distance but it was very faint because my ears were still ringing. I could tell that he was getting closer as the leaves being crunched got louder. He came into my view and I saw all of his facial feature. He was a pale young man but something seemed different about him. He seemed like a kind guy but something didn't feel right, like he's angry at me.

"I- I'm fine." I tried to act fine but I clearly wasn't. I tried to sit up but that made my head feel worse. I soldiered on through the pain and leaned against a nearby tree while holding my arm.

"I have medical supplies at my house, I can carry you there if you like." I waved him off but he didn't leave. I looked up at him to see what he was doing but his facial features changed from sweet and happy to dark and evil in a split second.

"Then you leave me no choice." After that I blacked out.

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