Chapter 12- Everyone Has Different Lives

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I was in Sam's room for a long time that I now know every detail of her room. Her walls are yellow, her bed has orange sheets, her floor is red and there was nothing else but closets with clothes.

I was sitting on her bed thinking about what Jet said, 'in fact she does, she's my mate.' It was something so simple but it never made me think until now. I am his mate, it sounds weird but I'll get used to it and I don't want to do anything serious yet either which is stupid I know.

I was waiting for what felt like hours for her to come back and she did. At midnight. I was practically asleep by the time she walked through the door but thankfully she brought lollies which is definitely going to keep me up.

"Sorry that took so long, the Alpha wanted to know what my old pack did to me." I looked up at her, she seemed sad. She passed me a pack of makeup removers and some pyjamas to wear. I took off the makeup and changed into my pyjamas and Sam did the same but in her bathroom. She came out and I noticed a scar on her left eye that reached from the top of her eyebrow to the bottom of her eye. I wanted to ask her what happened but I feel like she would get sad. She sat on the other side of the bed and faced me.

'Woah, her pack must've treated her terribly!' Artemis sounded sad and angry at the same time which I couldn't blame her for.

'Yeah, we can't judge people when we all live different lives.'

"So, what do you want to know first?" She looked ok to be sharing all this information with me but I guess I would want someone to actually listen and not focus on getting back at her old pack. Definitely not talking about the Alpha right now, great talking to myself in my head again.

"Well, you can tell me what's happened in your life and then I can tell you what's happened in my life." She nodded, this is going to be a long night but I don't mind listening to her.

"Well, to start off with the Alpha is very young and he was a complete jerk. He treated only me terribly, he starved me and sometimes when he got angry I would be his punching bag. For example," she pointed at the scar on her eye and my eyes widened, "I had enough of what he did and ran away when I had a chance. I wondered into The Crescent and have never looked back, although I was in your hospital for a while." My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. She's been living a very difficult life up until now.

We kept talking about my life, how I got here and how I found Jet's sister and eventually we fell asleep, I said I would sleep on the floor and it wasn't the comfiest thing ever but I'd prefer Sam to be more comfortable than me after hearing her story. Thank God for the lollies if she didn't bring them I would've fallen asleep by the time she entered the door. I'm glad she brought clothes as well because the dress wasn't very comfy and neither were the heels.

I was awoken by the sun shining in my eyes, I looked around and saw Sam awake reading a book and when she saw me she smiled.

"Wow, late sleeper Artemis. It's 10! How are you able to sleep that long?" Now she was on her stomach and waving her feet around the air.

"I don't know, I guess I haven't been having great sleeps lately." That was a lie, I didn't have a good sleep at all last night because of the floor but I did manage to get to sleep early in the morning so I slept in.

"Well, Jet said that he would help us train more and he also said to be ready by half-past ten otherwise he'll do something to you Artemis. I'm ready so I'll just continue reading my book while I wait." I got up and got dressed, I looked at the time and it was still before half-past ten.

"Ok, let's go Sam. I don't want to face an angry Jet." I'm guessing we'll meet him at the training area I trained at with Julia, so it shouldn't be to hard to get there before ten thirty. We left the room and walked to where I thought he would be but he wasn't there.

"Maybe he isn't here yet." She said but I know he's here, I can tell, somehow.

"No, he's definitely here." I was scanning the area to see if his presence became stronger and I found a tree but it got stronger as I looked up until I saw a Jet sitting in a tree and smiling at us.

"What are you doing Jet?" I asked with a little bit of annoyance in my voice.

"I'm just admiring the view," he said as he jumped down and landed right next to me. "You girls ready for some training?" We both nodded and began. The day was going past pretty quickly and it was really fun, Sam was really good with her dagger and I was good with hand to hand combat and Jet just got more annoying as the day went by. Finally we reached the end of the day.

"Alright, you girls have done enough for today," We were both sweaty, hungry and tired. We started heading for the house but we were stopped by Jet again. "I want to speak to Artemis if that's ok?" I turned around, nodded at him and told Sam that I would meet her at the house. Then, I walked back over to Jet.

"You wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes, but I only want to know what Archer did to you last night." I knew he would want to talk about this eventually and I guess now's the time.

"Well, to start off with he wrapped his arms around me and I thought it was you but turns out you were still fighting with Julia. Then you showed up and he squeezed my arm where the scar is and that hurt a little and that was about it. Now, you can tell me why you and Julia have been fighting a lot." He seemed to get angrier and angrier by the second but he calmed himself down.

"We've been fighting about you. She would say that she ruined our friendship but I would always tell Julia that you aren't the reason but she would never listen. Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to knock some sense into Archer." He left without saying another word and he looked very angry. I was standing in the middle of the area alone again.

'Well, why don't we go back to Sam now Blake? She's waiting!'

'Ok, ok, I'm going!' I started walking towards the house but Julia blocked my way.

"Move or you'll be squashed." But she didn't move at all, she only crossed her arms.

"How about you stay away from Jet? All he cares about is you!"

"Uh how am I supposed to stay away from Jet when he's my mate?" She froze and I moved around her to get to the house, "key words Julia, my mate!" I said while walking away from her and she just stayed frozen. I walked back to the house, happy that I found a nerve on Julia.

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