Chapter 11- Flame

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We continued to walk to a big open area in the house that would be were you would go to have formal parties. It's not my kind of thing but I have a feeling the this will be fun. Phoenix and Navi walked to some other area and I noticed they were dancing together and that made me happy for her. Although I'm afraid Luna will ruin it somehow but I'm not going to let that stop me from having a good time with Jet.

'Well, don't you feel like you could be on a magazine or something.' Her comment made me laugh a little in my head.

'I do not, anyway Artemis I have to enjoy my time here so goodbye!' I waved at her in my head.

"What's wrong?" Jet was looking down at me as I was looking around the area at the time and must've looked sad.

I looked up at Jet, "I'm fine don't worry about me. Hopefully we'll see the Flame girl." I looked back around at all the people dressed up and dancing with each other.

"Actually, Flame prefers to be called Sam and Luna prefers to be called Julia. So be careful, I don't want you to be getting in trouble, especially by Julia." I sighed and continued to look around when Jet nudged my arm.

"At least try and look happy. For me?" I rolled my eyes at Jet and gave him a sarcastic smile and that made him laugh. I just rolled my eyes at him again. A girl with a beautiful yellow dress walked over to where we were standing. She had long waist length hair that was pulled into a ponytail and it was dyed with colour to make it look like a flame so it went from yellow to orange to red and it looked amazing on her, she also had orange eyes. I wonder what her wolf would look like, I'm sure it would be like a white colour. I'm going to take a wild guess and say this is Flame or Sam.

"I'm Sam and you guys are?" I opened my mouth to reply to Sam but Jet bet me to it.

"I'm Jet and this is my Artemis." I crossed my arms and gave him an angry glare. "Sorry, this is Artemis or Blake." He sounded embarrassed so I nudged his arm with my elbow.

"You know I think I want to have a conversation with Sam only." I looked at him until he understood what that meant.

"Yeah, I'm just going to get a drink." He was pointing in a completely different direction to where the drinks are but at least he left.

"You know, I think we're going to be really good friends." I was smiling at her after what she said to me. I could see her dagger in one of the pockets of her dress, it always good to have pockets in a dress. It seemed to have a yellow blade with an orange gem and a red grip and hand guard.

"I heard you came from a troubled pack, do you think you can talk to me about that? You don't have to of course." She looked down at her feet and shifted.

"I will talk to you about what happened but not here there's too many people."

"Don't stress about it, you can tell me later if you want." I gave her a reassuring look as I spoke and she nodded.

"You know, I do trust you a lot but there's a girl that I don't like, she's short-" Straight away I knew who she was talking about. I chuckled a bit as a picture of Julia came into my head.

"I hate her to so don't worry, anyway her names Julia and she can do damage if you aren't careful." Even though the wound has healed it left a scar along with every other wound I got. Like the scratch Draven gave me on my leg, that has left a big scar and so has the fang mark Lilyana gave me.

"Geez, that must've hurt, your not the only with scars though." She showed me a scar on her upper arm.

"I guess we've been in the same boat before then." We both chuckled at my comment and stood there smiling at each other.

"We are definitely going to be friends! What about I sleep in you room and we can just stay up and chat?" I asked her since I now share a room with the Jet.

"That would be awesome!" She was smiling and that made me smile. Eventually she had to go talk to the Alpha and I was left alone. I noticed Julia talking to Jet but they seemed pretty angry at each other although the guy she was with isn't there, Phoenix and Navi were still dancing and sometimes kissing and Clover was with Jupiter and they both looked really happy. I was left alone. Just me, myself and I. It was getting late and I had lost Sam so I think I'm going to meet her at her place, she told me the address before she had to go talk to the Alpha.

I was just about to exit the area when I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I knew who it was so I didn't try to get free.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Jet I'm going to a friends place, so you can let go." He let go and I turned around only to realise that the person who had his arms around me wasn't Jet. It was the guy that was with Julia, the tall brown hair and purple eyes guy.

"I'm not Jet, I'm Archer." I looked at him, I was so confused as to what he was doing.

"Shouldn't you be with Julia?" He shook his head at my question.

"She's off with some other guy who she keeps fighting with."

"I came to talk to you because you seemed lonely and you're a very pretty girl." I might have been blushing at his words but that didn't matter to me at this moment as he was coming off as a major creep.

"Wait, why did you wrap your arms around me?!" I was really annoyed at him for everything that he has done so far and I imagine I'm going to get more annoyed at him if we continue to talk to each other.

"Because I thought it would be funny." He started laughing at me so I punched him in the arm.

"Well, it was nice meeting you and all but I've got to go to a friends place. So, see ya!" I turned and tried to exit but he grabbed my arm.

"I'm not done with you Artemis." He sounded evil which scared me and right now all I wanted was Jet to save me from this strange creature that is called Archer.

"Get your hand off her!" Hey, speak of the devil. He sounded angry yet protective at the same time.

"She doesn't belong to you Jet." They both sounded angry at each other which can't be good.

"In fact she does, she's my mate." I know that definitely made me blush and that also sent my heart to heaven, but I just looked at my feet. I could feel a pair of angry eyes piercing my head and I looked up, it was Mercury. He looked angry. He squeezed my arm tightly and I winced a little as where he squeezed the wound from Julia was still quite tender, then he let go and left.

"Are you ok?" Jet was leaning on the wall next to the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I honestly didn't feel fine though, I was trembling because nothing like that has ever happened to me before. Must've been the full moon.

"You aren't, you're trembling." I knew hiding the fact that I was trembling was a bad idea, either way he would've seen.

" I'm fine, just a little shaken. Now, if you don't mind me I'm going to Sam's room and I'm staying there overnight." I turned to face the door but turned back because I think I heard him pretending to cry.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I just wanted to see if you care for me by turning around, which you clearly did." He started laughing and I just rolled my eyes and left.

Now to look for room 304.

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