Chapter 16- Planning

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We ended up sleeping at my old house since it got pretty dark by the time I had calmed down and I didn't want to leave just in case I ran into She-devil again while I was with Jet. I kept waking up during the night so I didn't get any sleep, the thing is it was the same nightmare every time. The nightmare went something along the lines of going back to my house where I lived for most of my life and we ran into the wolf that was bitten by the Queen Vampire and we did kill it but Lilyana was always there, she had a dark aura around her while she was holding a human figure but it was always blurry. Every time I had these nightmares I woke up in a sweat and Jet was always there to comfort me.

I had gotten a good sleep for the last few hours before morning but I'm pretty tired now, Jet probably didn't sleep because of me either.

"You ok Arti? You woke up a lot last night." I nod at him and give him a reassuring smile and he smiled back at me. I do have a little headache so I rested my head on my hands but I can feel my hair is a real messy and I probably have bags under my eyes. Not a good look when your with your biggest crush. I have to shower to make myself pleasant for Jet's eyes so he doesn't have to look at the hideous beast that sits next to him. I start leaving the bed so I can use my bathroom but I get stopped by Jet who's holding onto my arm and makes direct eye contact with me.

"I'm really sorry about last night Arti. I didn't mean to snap like that at you, it's just...I don't know what to do. I never ever want to do that to you again." He wraps his arms around me and gives me a hug which I return.

"Don't worry Jet, everyone fights so it's nothing unusual." He lets go so I can have a shower, I may have stayed in in there for a good solid half an hour because I didn't know what the time was and I try to make myself look as good as possible. I put on jeans and a light blue top, I don't really care what my clothes look like as long as I have clothes on.

I walk out the door to find Phoenix and Navi talking to Jet and as soon as I walk out the door Navi ran at me and threw her arms around me which nearly made me fall over. She releases me from her iron grip and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"You know you can always talk to me if you need." I smile at her kind words.

"I know but sometimes I also need some space." I can see she understands what I'm saying and gives me a less constricting hug which I appreciate a lot. We walk over to where the boys are and discuss what we're going to do but something feels off

'Something doesn't feel right Blake.' It's good to know that someone else can sense the bad atmosphere.

'You aren't the only one that can tell Artemis.'

"What's going on?" I ask and to my surprise they all look like someone has died which can't be good.

"Well, we were thinking of going to your house and getting rid of the creature that lives there." Phoenix replied.

Of course.

Of freaking course!

My nightmares were about this day, well, at least I think they are. I don't even know if they're going to happen but I don't want to risk it.

"What about a different day?" The least I could do is delay it a few days.

"We can't otherwise more people will die." Jet said as he looks down at his feet. I had no idea people were dying?!

"How do you know people are dying?" I ask Jet but Navi answered for him.

"We've seen it. People come to the house since they haven't heard from our parents for a while and when they do they basically die he sucks the blood from them. So, we need to get rid of him." I get where she's coming from but the three I front of me could die and I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"Sigh... Fine then, we can go." I did sound annoyed which I probably should've tried to hide.

"Is there something wrong Arti?" He looks at me with confusion as to why I would be so annoyed to go. I can't tell him that I had those nightmares but they need to know. You know what, I'm not going to tell them but I'll just say I was supposed to see Sam today.

"I was just going to see Sam, thats all." I feel bad for lying, I really do but I don't want to tell them. Jet looks at me like he can tell that I'm lying but I just look away.

"Well then, let's get ready." We changed into clothes that are comfortable and made sure our daggers were all good to use.

'Blake you should tell them. It's not safe keeping it to yourself.' She's right but I don't want to tell them.

'I can't tell them I'll feel guilty if we keep letting people die because of a Vampire. Sorry Artemis.'

'What if Jet dies?! Then you'll have no mate and you'll never get a kiss from someone you truly love!' She seemed very angry at me so she shut herself off from me. I am truly sorry for not telling them but I don't have the guts to anyway. I was looking down at my feet, I could feel my cheeks heating up after what Artemis just said. I continued to look at my feet until I heard Jet talking.

"We'll meet you two outside I just want to have a chat with Rosie over here." I look up, my eyes were widening and my cheeks were getting worse. I also see Navi and Phoenix chuckling to each other but they left. The worst part is I can hear Jet rolling around on my bed laughing.

"Good to see you're back to your old self again." He was slowly quieting down and he sat up with his legs hanging over my bed.

"I'm sorry, but I had too. Anyway, can you tell me why you look so sad?" He got off the bed and he was walking over to me. I look at him with a smile and peer into his navy eye's full of concern. He grabs me in one quick move, wraps his arms around me and I try and get my arms out of his hold to hug him back but I couldn't. He's simply too strong.

"Nothing's wrong Jet, I'm being serious." He sighed and his face was replaced with a frown instead of his beautiful smile.

"Somethings bothering you and I can tell. So please Arti, just tell me." I close my eyes so he couldn't see the fear in them.

"I will tell you after we kill these tainted hearts." I said with a smile forming on my face and a smile also formed on Jet's. He let go of me so he could open the door for me, I walked over there but stopped where he was.

"Thank you very much kind sir." I got on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek since I'm to short to reach him. His face was priceless, he started going red and his eyes looked down at me.

"C'mon Rosie, let's go." I said, he locked the door behind him and we transformed into wolves and left. I smiled as I transformed because little Artemis was wagging her tail like crazy.

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