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By: trysomecats on ao3

Word count: 1,515

Summary: Dan loses Phil at Disney World and goes on a wild goose chase to find him. Humorous fluff, featuring Louise!

"We have to do something! You don't know Phil like I do...he'll probably meet some really creepy weirdos, or walk into a dangerous zone and get decapitated by a roller coaster, or get kidnapped by a crazy fan. Anything could happen Louise, anything!"

"Okay, right, calm down!" Louise ordered, although she looked quite panicked herself. "He can't have gone far."

It was very hard to calm down. Dan was panicking for a very good reason. He had lost track of Phil, at a theme park in a foreign country, on a very hot and crowded day. This was not how he pictured their second to last day in America as. Louise, Zoe, and Alfie had invited he and Phil to celebrate the end of Playlist by going to Disney World.

The first part of the day had gone by smoothly, and everyone had a good time. However as they walked through a largely crowded Magic Kingdom, it was discovered that they had lost Phil in the swarm of people while walking towards their next designated ride.

This was a big problem. One, they couldn't use cell phones with being in a different country and all that, and Phil hadn't even brought his phone with him. Secondly, this was Phil. Something was bound to happen. Dan's mind thought of all kinds of different scenarios.

"Let's split up and look for him," Zoe suggested. "Alfie and I will go ahead, and you and Louise backtrack. We meet back here in fifteen minutes."

It was agreed, and they split into pairs. Louise pulled up a picture of Phil on her phone and ran up to every Disney character that crossed their path.

"Have you seen this boy?!" She asked Minnie Mouse wildly, cutting in front of the line of pesky children. Minnie backed away from the "crazy woman" and shook her head. Louise moved on to Chip and Dale. Dan meanwhile, searched every face that his eyes laid upon, but there was still no sign of his boyfriend.

Dan was miserable. "What happens if we can't find him Louise?"

"Well," The blonde youtuber thought. "Once in the super market I lost track of Darcy. I nearly vomited everywhere out of panic. Just as I was running to customer services to get help, I found her in the sweets isle."

"Where would Phil go?" Dan asked to himself. Before he could start thinking, he and Louise were interrupted.

"Oh my God, it's Danisnotonfire and SprinkleofGlitter!" A teenage girl with blonde streaks and thick glasses holding a massive corndog was beaming at them excitedly. "I'm so lucky, I just ran into AmazingPhil a few minutes ago! Why isn't he with you? He looked sort of lost and confused. Hey, can I get a picture?"

"Wait, what?" Dan gripped the fangirl's arm hard enough to leave a white mark. "Where did you see Phil? Tell me!"

The girl looked like she was about to hyperventilate from being touched by a hot British youtuber. Louise gently pulled Dan off of her before the poor girl could pass out.

"I saw him by the Haunted Mansion," The girl pulled out her phone to show them a picture. "See?"

Sure enough, there was a selfie picture of the girl and Phil. The black haired youtuber looked like he was forcefully smiling, and Dan could tell by his eyes that he was obviously panicked.

"What a smart boy," Louise beamed. "Going back to the ride we were last on."

Dan grew excited. "We have to get there!"

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