Knight In Shining Armour

974 39 1

By: GoatOrchestra on ao3

Word count: 1,590

Summary: Dan's neighbour, Phil, is perfect. He's also a brave knight in shining armour. Obviously.

It had started to get dark by the time Dan's shift ended at the gaming shop he worked at and he was ready to head out the door. It was only half 3, but it was also December, so the days were short and getting a lot colder than he would like. He shoved his earphones in, turned his music up and set off down the road with his hands in his pockets.

Ten minutes later, he was outside a little coffee shop he'd taken to passing on his way home. If anyone asked him, he would say that he'd found that walking this way made the journey back to his apartment shorter. If they looked it up on Google maps, he'd be screwed. This route took significantly longer...

As he passed the coffee shop, he took his phone out, looking at the time. There was 10 minutes left. He turned around and walked back the way he came, turning back a few minutes later and walking back towards the coffee shop. He stood just around the corner for about a minute, so that when he saw Phil walk out the door at almost exactly 4 PM on the dot, as he did every day, he could turn the corner and pretend that it was totally a coincidence that he was there, and wow, since we live in the same block of apartments, we might as well walk home together!

Dan knew this was creepy. He honestly did. He would stop doing it, too, if not for how absolutely in love he was with Phil. God, it was kind of pathetic. He had only known the guy since he'd moved in next door to Phil three months ago. But come on! It wasn't fair to throw such a beautiful, perfect, smart, creative, funny guy at him AND make him like everything Dan does and expect him not to melt a little every time he smiled!

Just as he was starting to get distracted by his thoughts, he heard the tell-tale sound of the bell above the coffee shop door ringing, and Phil saying bye to his co-workers. Dan straightened his jacket, turned the corner and started walking.

"Hey, Dan!" Score. He'd been noticed. He turned around, faux look of surprise on his face.

"Oh, hey Phil! I didn't know you were working today."

Phil laughed. What a sweet noise that was. Angels singing could never compare. "You saw me leaving for work this morning, Dan. Anyway, do you wanna walk with me? You know, so I can protect you, m'lady. It's dark and scary out at night, you know."

"Oi, you spork," Dan said, slapping Phil lightly in the arm while trying not to laugh himself. "If anyone needs protecting, it's you. Your dopey ass is likely to attract some weirdo with a pet pigeon or something and I'll find your body on my way to the shop tomorrow."

Phil's smile grew at this, both of them knowing how prone he was to finding the strangest people and ending up talking to them.

Dan, still shaking a bit from silent laughter, sighed. "Still. Come on. You can walk me home and pretend to be a big strong knight. I'll even let you kiss my hand when we get home as a reward."
As they both set off towards their apartments, chatting away about how their days had gone, Phil enthusiastically telling Dan about the old man who had brought in his dog, at which time Phil promptly took his break and sat petting the dog for almost half an hour, and Dan telling Phil about the kids who came in, bought a cards against humanity pack and sat picking out the dirtiest combinations they could.

"I mean, I'm all for the dirty jokes, and I'm glad they bought the box before taking them all out, but some woman came in, heard what they were saying and gave ME a death glare? How's that fair?" Dan huffed.

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