I Love It When You Look at Me Like That

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By: octobergloom on ao3

Word count: 1,094

Summary: dan is sleepy and him and phil are very much in love

based on strings by shawn mendes

Darling I want all the strings attached

I love it when you look at me like that


    Phil smiled. Dan was doing the cute little thing with his fingers again, the thing he did when he was just about ready to fall sleep and tapped his fingers in a slow, soothing rhythm against whichever surface was available. Tonight that surface was Phil's thigh. His boyfriend's fawn eyes were unfocused, struggling to stay open, let alone keep up with the flashy movements on the laptop screen. Phil had become transfixed on the slow rise and fall of Dan's bare chest, swathed partially in his own comforter and right shoulder flushed against Phil's own. They weren't technically cuddling, not yet, just pressed against each other's side for Dan's stubborn actions taken when Phil had teased him for being so sleepy before they had even started the movie. He had claimed that Phil would make him fall asleep by playing with his hair or rubbing his tummy, which was correct on his part because Phil had been planning on doing those things. Now, since the brunette just had to be victorious, he was holding out on the snuggles yet still seeming to be seconds away from dozing off.


    "Hey," Phil whispers, slipping his hand over Dan's wandering fingers. Dan's jerks his head back a bit, inhaling sharply as he blinks quite a few times in quick concession. His gaze shifts over to Phil, and he gives the most puppy like expression; cheeks barely flushed, eyes glassy and slightly wide and lips pouted in a way almost unnoticeable.


    "Mmh?"  He mumbles. He brings his left hand up to rub at his face as he yawns, sighing quietly. Phil gently skims his thumb over the back of his hand, watching with a grin of endearment as he waits for Dan to refocus.


    After a few seconds, Dan finally looks at Phil in a way that's almost alert, smiling ever so slightly. He seems to forget about his own previous antics, letting out a soft grumble as he scoots forward and rests his head against his boyfriends chest. Phil moves to wrap his arms around his waist without a second of thought, one hand immediately slipping down to rub at the slight bit of tummy pudge he knows Dan hates.


    Dan tilts his head up at an awkward angle as he takes Phil's other hand, giggling and making a contented noise as he sloppily kisses Phil's knuckles. He blinks ever so slowly and grins a tiny, dimpled grin, cheeks visibly flushed and hair mussed and curly. His entire expression is blissed and loving, matching Phil's own, and neither man thinks they've been happier.


And you're the only one that brings me back

'Cause baby I want all the strings attached


    Dan can't help but to grin dopily at Phil, basking in the warm embrace of the man he loves so much. He can remember a time when he would shy away, sleep in his own bed and cuddle a pillow or restrict himself to holding a hand or throwing an arm over his older boyfriend. Now he just lets himself be, confident that Phil is just as happy as he is.  It's almost ridiculous to think of the insecurities he had been feeling the previous night, one when he had been up late editing and had slept in his own bed to avoid waking Phil. He grabs Phil's hand, pressing loving kisses to the smooth skin and giggling as the other rubs at his stomach. The tingly feelings against his skin feel like home, and the comfort in the gesture lulls him further into the realm of sleep. He blinks sleepily a few times at Phil, waiting in earnest for the three words he used to think of as a nuisance to relay to loved ones.


It's like always and forever

I won't let a moment pass


    Phil noses at Dan's hair, biting his lip against a huge grin as his stomach flips in the best possible way at the expressive gaze of the younger boy. "I love you," he says.


    Dan squeezes his hand, murmuring softly, "mmh, love you too."


    "Good," Phil whispers with a chuckle. "Now go to sleep before you pass out of exhaustion."


    Dan's expression first turns abashed, then mildly confused. "Wait, but like, aren't those the same thing-"


    "Hush," Phil says, interrupting him. "Just sleep."


    Dan nods slightly, yawning. Phil yawns too, settling down and properly getting ready to sleep. He's almost out when Dan speaks again.


    "Phil?" He whispers, voice soft and questioning.


    "What is it, my love?"


    "Can we stay up all night?"


    Phil stays silent for a moment, bewildered. "We're both pretty tired, I think. Why do you want to stay up now?"


    Dan too takes a moment to reply, stifling a yawn into the night. "You have to leave tomorrow, I want to stay here with you forever.


    Phil sighs at the touch of uncertainty coloring Dan's voice. "I'm here now, sweetheart. We can call and skype until I come home, it'll be like I haven't even gone."


    Dan stays quiet again for a moment, tracing circles into Phil's chest. "I'm sure you'll have more to do than talk to me more than once a day. Also, I don't want you to keep talking to me when you don't want to because you think I'm getting sad."


    Phil reverses the direction of his hand against Dan's tummy, nuzzling his hair affectionately. "I always want to talk to you, even more so when I think you're getting sad. I love you, it's what I do."


    Dan smiles a little bit. "I love you more."


    "We're not having that argument again," Phil murmurs with a chuckle. "But don't think about tomorrow, think about now. Have sweet dreams, and when you wake up call me."


    "Okay," Dan mumbles, yawning yet again. "I can't promise that'll be very early."


    "That's okay, you need the rest."


    Neither lover speaks again, save for a small happy noise Dan makes when Phil fully pulls the comforter over both of their bodies. He snuggles further into Phil's chest, contentedly allowing his eyes to slip shut after kissing Phil's cheek. They're both asleep within ten minutes, and the next morning when Dan wakes to an otherwise empty bed and a sticky note with a lopsided heart, he grins sleepily and reaches for where he knows his phone is poised on the night stand.


And when I'm with you I feel better

I want all the strings, all the strings attached

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