Chapter 42: In the Towers Darkened Halls

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Oh wait.

Oh no! The other one must be Kai!  Determination set in, and when the two left the room that they chained Nya and Jay in, to the walls I might add, I appeared in front of the Nya-monster. It freaked the guts out of me. And her.

Nya screamed. Probably because it was super dark in the room, cold, and I was a ghost and appeared in front of her from out of nowhere.


And she has a piece of duck tape on her mouth. Jay, for some reason, doesn't. Maybe because he's knocked out, but I know that if I was Kai, I would totally have Jays duck taped too. After all, he is the chatterbox.

I tore the piece of tape of Nya's mouth rather quickly.

"Ow!" She winced. "That hurt!" She rubbed her face. " I am so happy that I don't have a beard!"


"You know, beards?" She made a gesture with her hands around her chin, obviously trying to act out a beard.

"Of course I know what a beard is!" I hissed. "I'm a guy!"

"Could have fooled me."

"Hey!" I puffed my chest out. I am more guyish than you!"

"Well, good!"

Then she seemed to remember Jay, which is really weird, because who would want to remember him?

"Jay! Speak to me!"

"Hello! I am Jay, the blob of blue."


How did she know it was me? I used my best mimicking of Jay!



I was confuzzled. "Nya, that wasn't me!"

We slowly turned around to meet two  icy blue eyes.

Zane. Lloyd stumbled in beside him, tackling him over. "Got you now, you HWR meanie!" He started hitting Zane's head with his fists and they both flew into an unconscious Jay. He's gonna wake up and wonder how he got that black, puffy eye.

"Lloyd stop!" Nya hissed. "They are going to hear us!" She pulled at the chains, which clinked rather loudly. Way to be quiet, Nya.

I glared at them as they tumbled about. "Not now!" Lloyd groaned, being tossed about. "I'm trying to defeat the guy who almost killed me!" Zane's eyes were wide as he saw the Green Ninja come barreling toward him once more. It was dark, but Lloyd should have easily seen that he was mistaken.

I mean, those icy blue eyes were the first hint. Maybe Lloyd hung around Jay to much and lost so many brain cells he's about as idiotic as Kai.

Ya. That must be it.

I started heading toward the door. If Lloyd lost that many brain cells by staying around Jay for two seconds, think about how many I'm loosing!

Nya whispered in hisses toward Lloyd, who was throwing punches in distress. "Lloyd! Help me get out of here!"

I jiggled the door handle to get out.

Uh oh.

I turned to face a still unconscious Jay, a furious Nya, who seems to be turning green, and Lloyd in a brawl with the confused and freaked out Zane.

"STOP IT!" Nya screamed with all her might. The chains that held her and Jay snapped, Lloyd was flung across the room, and Zane was panting in the corner.

I turned invisible in fright.

When every thing was calmed down, I reappeared.

"Guys, the door is locked."


Okay guys. Here's the plan. I am going on a month vacation. So no updates, for I won't have wifi.

Sorry! Any questions, ask here. :).

Don't give up on my book guys! I'm close to the end and I hope to finish it with a few more chapters.

Please understand this. It's finally a free time with my family, so I'm sorry if I can't update for any of you. Just keep looking though, there might be a few updates randomly, but no promises.

Hope you like Coles POV!


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