Chapter 26- Stranded

Start from the beginning

Mikey and I pulled one sleeping bag over us so we could cuddle in, as did Bryanna and Ashton. Luke and Calum looked over at us "you know what, we can do that too" said Calum as he placed his sleeping bag over Luke's shoulders. We all laughed as Luke pulled him in closer as a joke. I didn't really want this to ever end.

Roadside Assistance were done fixing up the mini-van and we packed the sleeping bags in the car, getting ready for the journey that was upon us. By 6pm we would be back in Sydney.

We were only a few minutes outside of Sydney, we all got ready and decided we would do a count down before we crossed the line into the city, we could see the buildings and rain slowly started to fall.

I looked to Mikey "This was the best trip I've had" I said to him as he kissed my forehead. We could see the sign that said "Welcome to Sydney".  The atmosphere was full of joy, which was nice. "10" said Ashton as he started the countdown and we all joined in unison counting down. "9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1" we cheered when we finally were back in Sydney, Our home.

We decided to all go back to our own houses and unpack and relax before we went out to dinner with everyone's families.

I opened the door to my apartment and smiled as I turned on the light. "There you are superstar" said a voice, I completely forgot Brax was going to be here. "Brax!" I said as I hugged him, "Happy early 18th he said as he handed me a present. "You didn't have to" I said taking the present and walking towards the couch. "You deserve it after being in the hospital and its your 18th!" He said, I unwrapped it. It was a scrapbook full of pictures from my old life in Perth. Tears escaped my eyes when I turned a page which said "chapter 2" in bold coloured letters. "It's so you can add pictures of where you are now" he said and sat next to me. "You're the best" I said to him "oh by the way, we're going out to dinner tonight" I told him. "Sounds like fun" he said.

Brax and I arrived at the restaurant, everyone was already there. I jumped out of the car in my white matching skirt and shirt with black wedges. "Sorry were late" I said to everyone as I sat down next to Mikey and Brax sat beside me "everyone who hasen't met him, this is Brax" I said with a smile on my face, everyone else greets him, Mikey shook his hand "Good to see ya" he said. I liked that they were friends, it means a lot.

We decided to play the game of dinner topics where everyone chooses a topic out of the box and everyone has to elaborate on it. It wasn't the most comfortable game to play with my boyfriends family, I just hoped to get a good topic.

My turn was coming up and I anxiously awaited as Brax finished talking about his topic which was about what you wanted to be when you were younger. Brax' story had everyone laughing but I didn't really concentrate on what he said as the box shifted to me, I picked up one and breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't an awkward one. "Your first love?" I read out and put the card on the table, "Well, Brax here was the first guy I was with but sorry Brax my first love would have to be Mikey right here" I said with a smile on my face as I nudged him playfully. I began to tell the story of how Mikey set up the dinner for me but I let out the last part about after the dinner. Bryanna and the rest of the boys were slightly snickering as they knew what happened next.

"Can I stay at your apartment tonight? Mikey asked as I leaned against the car "I think Brax and I are just going to hang out, we haven't hung out for a while" I told him, he slightly looked jealous "would this change your mind?" He asked as he leaned in kissing me, I smiled and broke away from the kiss "sorry, no" I said. I opened the car door and Mikey closed it for me "I'll call you later" he said kissing me one last time before Brax and I started heading towards my apartment.

Brax and I sat on the couch, we were playing go fish. "So what are you doing for your birthday tomorrow?" Asked Brax, "Mikey told me he wanted to plan it for me, all I know is he's picking us up at 6pm tomorrow night" I said, he nodded "so you and Michael are getting serious then?" He asked, "yeah I guess you could say that" I replied, he looked at me and his jaw clenched a bit as he nodded once again. "So how are things back home?" I asked, "same old same old" he replied, "you should call your mum sometime she's worried" he told me. "You talked to her?" I questioned "she saw me when I was working" he shrugged. My mind had been completely full of other things I forgot about my mum and my dad, a tinge of guilt flew through my body. 

I woke up at 6.23am the exact time I was born. I got up out of my bed and looked in the mirror. I always thought there would be some type of huge difference but I look the same as 17 year old me. I grabbed my clothes and take a shower, wrapping a towel around my body I open my wardrobe, I had no idea what to wear tonight fancy or casual? For now I just decide to wear my white yeezy hoodie, light denim ripped jeans and doc martens. I straighten my hair and leave it out. Brax was in the kitchen, he stood over the oven making eggs. "Why are you up so early? Usually you sleep in until 9" I ask him "Well I know you always get up at 6.23am every day on your birthday so I thought I'd make breakfast" he said to me "That's so sweet" I said sitting down at the table as he served me.

After Breakfast Brax had a shower and I decided to do the dishes. Brax came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist "Hope you don't mind I just used the towel on the shelf" he said to me, "yeah no problem" I said to him and went back to doing the dishes as he went to get changed. There was a knock at my door, I answered the door expecting Mikey to be there but instead it was Luke, Calum, Ashton and Bryanna,they held balloons with 18 written on them "Happy Birthday!" They squealed. "Oh my gosh guys this is so great" I gushed at them as they pulled me into a group hug "Mikey told us to keep you busy until tonight" said Ashton as they walked through my door.  "So can you guys say where we're going?" I asked them trying to pull information out of them, they shook their heads "Nope you have to wait and see but dress as if you're going to a club" said Bryanna, I mentally thanked her as I now had a vision of what to wear. "So what's on the agenda?" I asked them, "Well today we are going to take a walk around darling harbour, there's a festival on today" said Calum. Well that's convenient considering I live near by.

We walk the streets, I take in the atmosphere, street dancers and comedians that are performing Even artists are painting, it's incredible. We decide to stop and watch a hip hop dancer "Can I have a female volunteer please" he asks the crowd, no one steps forward. "What about you the girl with dark hair and the white shirt" he said pointing to me. I was never up for this but before I could say no Brax pushes me inside the circle so I continue and walk towards him hoping I don't trip over. He starts to dance around me, his movement is enchanting he puts his hand out as a gesture for me to join hands, I do and he twirls me around and dips me, I almost feel like I'm cheating on Mikey when his eyes meet mine. He puts me back up and asks me to stand there, he walks farther away until he starts dancing again, he puts his arms in the air signalling me to jump. I tremble a bit but with the crowd watching I do it anyways, he lifts me in the air, I feel free at this moment and I start laughing as he puts me down and the crowd cheers. I walk back to my friends who are smiling widely at me except Brax whom is laughing hysterically.
"That was the scariest thing I've done in my life" I say through laughter. Brax was always pushing me outside my comfort zone.

We entered Starbucks to grab some drinks to keep us going, I desperately needed caffeine. "I'll have an iced coffee, whipped cream on the top" I said to the barista, she gave me another glance and then stared at the Calum, Luke, Ashton and Bryanna behind me. She was completely frozen "are you okay?" I questioned, "Oh yeah sorry it's just I'm apart of the 5sos Fam" she said. I smiled at her "well, make sure you get a picture with them" I said to her quietly, she smiled "Happy 18th by the way" she said as she handed me my order and a doggie bag "Since its your birthday" she winked at me "You're too kind" I said before stepping back so others could grab their orders.

So I hope you are enjoying it, this was the longest chapter I've written and from now on they will be like this. I read over the first couple chapters and realised my writing wasn't the best and it was rather fast paced so I'm working on that too, thanks for the few people that read the story. It means a lot ❤️

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