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Previously on "Hayley's Dramatic Life"

"She held it down for me"

"It hurt like hell"

"You guys are amading"

"I was so sore"


*my highlighter works again yayyy*


They next day I had early gym practice at 10:00am and Annie had afternoon practice and Caleb had baseball so we'd be leaving at the same time. Caleb would be leaving with daddy in the Red truck and I'd be leaving with Mommy in the white car and Annie would like to come also so we got ready.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. 

I put on my orange leo, some black leggings, and my shin high black ugg boots. 

Then i put my hair in a messy bun again. I put the knee length cardigan I was wearing yesterday got my gym bag and went down for breakfast.

I saw Caleb with his baseball uniform and Annie with her pj's on. They both winked at me and I smiled at them. 

Mommy made us biscuits and sausage. Caleb pretended to choke on his sausage as preference to what happened last night. 

"Chew your food Caleb" Annie said casually.

I almost choking drinking the orange juice as i laughed. The both of them laughed hysterically. 

When mommy went to get ready to take me to gym. The 3 of us kissed each other on the lips.

 It was weird to do it to Annie but fun.

 I took the camera to film and daddy took the camera to film in the car with Caleb. And i started filming in the house "So hey guys, we are about to go to gymnastics. Well I am about to go to gymnastics, Caleb is going to baseball,  and Annie is just going to drop me off at gym with Mommy. So i'll see you guys after gymnastics. And Annie will film when she get back home I guess" I said into the camera then turning it off. 

I walked through the laundry room to get to the garage where the car was parked. Mommy didn't notice I was limping thank God.

I got dropped of at gym and when I was stretching the soreness wore down a lot.


Annie's P.O.V.

After we dropped Hayley off I started to film when we got home. 

"Hey guys, I didn't have an early practice today but Hayley did as she already told you a while ago and i'm really bored so. I'm about to curl my hair and do my makeup just for you guys." I said into the camera and ran up stairs. 

"So first I am going to wash my hair. And i'll tell mommy to fast forward some of these parts." I said.

I put the shampoo all over my scalp and hair, then rubbed it in.

"This is how my hair looks like when i have shampoo in it" I said to the camera that was sitting on the counter in my bathroom. Then I got into the shower and washed it out. I also washed myself. I put a towel around my shoulders and body. "And this is what my hair looks like when its wet/ damp" I said

I squeezed the towel onto my hair so it can still be wet but not dripping.

I put hair straws into my hair so it can curl it and explained to the camera how it works.

"So here is a little BKB for you(bratayley knows best) so this is how the straw works. Your get some of your hair then you twist your hair around it. Then you bend the end of the straw so your hair doesn't fall off the straw" I explained to the camera.

I finished putting the straws in my hair. And dried my hands off then I picked up the camera and showed them as much as my hair as I can. "So yeah Phillips, and now I'm going to blow dry my hair and then after that i'm going to let it sit for a couple of minutes and i'll be back" 

I showed them me blow drying my hair. Then I turned the camera  off.

After 20 minutes of letting it sit  i took the straws out and put hair spray in it.

*takes camera and starts to vlog*

"And this is the finishing look" I showed the camera as much as I can of my hair. "Now i'm going to do school and i'll see you guys later."

*turns off camera*


Hayley and Caleb would be coming home and I would be going. I didn't want to mess up my hair so i put on a black sleeping bonnet. I put on my leo that has my name on it. Then i put on my black leggings and my dark brown ugg slippers. I also put on my light blue Justice sweater that had a peace sign right in the middle. I got my gym bag and we left. Me and Hayley exchange positions. It reminded me of our threesome yesterday. 

Hayley's P.O.V.

 *takes camera and starts to vlog*

"Hey guys I just got back from gymnastics and Annie just went to gymnastics." I laughed

"And Mommy and I are about to go to the grocery store A.K.A. Walmart and we'll see you guys there"

*turns camera off*

We went to Walmart and we vlogged some stuff,

Caleb's P.O.V.

I can't wait for them to get home. Hayley was freakier than i'd think she'd ever be!

Did you think a 10 year old can make a 16 year old cum 2 times in a row?

I don't think so. I took a shower and got back into regular clothes.

I played Minecraft waiting for Hayley to come back because I knew Annie wouldn't be back til 6 o'clock. When Hayley got back she said Hi to me and went up to her room, took a shower and got dressed. 

Then she came down to my room, and closed my door.

She straddled her legs around me and started to kiss me. She had quite a body for a her age. She was already growing boobs and her ass was pretty big.

 "Let's wait for Annie, okay?"

I nodded

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