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Hayley's P.O.V.

I walked down stairs going to give mommy the camera and going to make myself dinner and I saw Caleb and Annie snuggled up on the couch.(their friends are gone)

Cute...it's what brother and sisters do, correct??

I went to mommy's room went back into the kitchen and started cooking. I made some Mac' N' Cheese for everyone. There was some left over ground beef so I added that into the mixture. "DINNER!" I shouted. I got out the plates that had Caleb , Annie, and I's name on it. Then I got 2 plates for mommy and daddy and served them their food.

"Thanks Hayley, your the best"Annie said giving me a tight hug

"Any time for the people I love" I smiled digging into the food. We finished dinner and got ready for bed.

Annie's P.O.V.

*takes camera, starts to vlog.*

"Hey guys , so it's time for the question of the day.....Hayleyy!!!" I said

"What!" She shouted back.

"What's the question of the day?!"

She came running down with a thin piece of paper in the hand.

"The question of the day is 'would you rather live in a big house by yourself, or in a small house with 4+ people'" Hayley said as I turned the camera to her.

"Uhm, i'd rather live in a small house with 4+ people because we did that before it's it's kinda nice." I said into the camera

" Same , and because in a big house you'll have to make sure all the doors are locked, all the windows are closed, and the lights are turned off and that's too much. But even if you have to do that in a small house, there are a lot of people there so it would be faster and easier" Hayley said.

"Yep, okay guys, Hayley and I pick small house, and we'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye!" I said

"Hayley say bye" I said turning the camera to her.

"Byeeeeeeeeeee!! Toodles"


*turns camera off*

Caleb's P.O.V.

*turns camera on*

"So hey guys, today was a beautiful day, Sydney, Luke, Katie, and Brennan came over and we had a blast. And now it's time for the question of the day." I said into the camera grabbing the thin piece of paper.

"The question of the day is would you rather live in a big house by yourself or in a small house with 4+ people."

"I'd say live in a small house with 4+ people because I did it before"

"Duh, but anyways guys,Don't forget to comment down below, cause we wanna know, the question of the day IS , would your rather live in a big house by yourself or in a small house with 4+ people. And we'll see you guys tomorrow."

I turned the camera off and went to give it to my mom. As I was walking back down to my room I saw Hayley all alone.

I went to give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Love you Hayley"

"Love you too ,Caleb" she smiled and ran up to her room.

I went back downstairs and went to play minecraft.

Annie's P.O.V.

I went into my room and took a shower. Then I brushed my teeth.

I put on some pj's , some lotion and went on my phone to do some musical.ly's. I went through Instagram and saw some really nice comments. I smiled.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in"

"Hi" Hayley said

"Hey, what's up lil sis?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering. Was the thing you and Caleb were doing normal for siblings to do?"

"Snuggling? Yes" I said nervously

"Oh okay, Goodnight, love you" She said walking out

"Love you too"

It was like 8:30 , we all knew no body was going to sleep.

She's probably just going to go on her iPod.

I was bored so I facetimed Caleb.

"Hey" he said

"Hey, do you wanna place facetime hide and seek??"

"Sure!! You pause and go hide and i'll try to find you" he said

"Okay, wait get your headphones so we can't hear each other's noises"


I went to go hide in the pantry. But i laid under the shelf that didn't have anything so he wouldn't see the food through facetime, and know I was in the pantry.Plus if he took forever to find me i'd have some food to eat.

I heard some footsteps run upstairs.

Caleb's P.O.V.

I ran upstairs and checked her closet. Nope

Then I went to Hayley's room and checked her stuffed animals. Nope

"What are you doing" Hayley asked

"Playing facetime hide and go seek with Annie"

"Oh..." she said with a sad face.

"If you want you can play in the next round" I said

"No thanks" she sound bummed.

I walked out of her room and checked the school room she wasn't there.

Wow she's a good hider

"Annie where are you" I said to my phone she started laughing at me through the phone.

I heard her laughing in the kitchen so I checked the pantry.

"FOUND YOU" I said laughing. She got up laughing as well.

"Your turn to hide." she smiled and I paused my camera she hide back in the pantry so she couldn't see where I was hiding.

I ran into mom and dad's room and hid under their bed.

"Hey Caleb" mommy said editing.

"SH! I'm playing hide and seek" I said but making it clear I wasn't really yelling at her.

"Oh sorry bubba" she said then went back to editing. I then heard footsteps running down the hall.

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