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Previously on Caleb and Annie

All was good until I heard someone yell my name


"HAYLEY!!" someone yelled since it was like 9:00pm It was dark out so I couldn't see who it was.

Then my 'mom' ran into the store.

"What do you want Katie?" I said 

"You don't call me Katie you call me MOMMY! And why did you run away you had me worried sick!" She said

"You don't care about me! None of you do! Your not my mother. We look nothing alike you have black straight hair, i have brown curly hair. your face is round and my face is square!" I said trying to run away. But she grabbed my arm

"Hayley you do know your FATHER has a square shapped head?? And his side of the family has curly hair?? Your a mixture of both us. I am your mother and I love you very much." she said giving me a hug.

"I'm sorry " I said hugging her hack 

"Now let's go home" 'Mommy' said

I wasn't going to let Katie get away with this.

"How did you know i'd be here?" I asked.

"You're my daughter, I know you" she smiled.

I smiled back and we got back home

"Where were you guys?" Caleb and Annie asked

"Hayley ran away and I went to go look for her" Mommy said I nodded

"Oh, I didn't even notice you guys were gone" Annie said

My face turned red. 

"I FUCKING HATE YOU ANNIE" I said running to my room.

Katie's P.O.V.

"HAYLEY NOELLE LEBLANC" I yelled up the stairs. She didn't answer and slammed her door shut. "Annie why would you say that? She only ran away because YOU TOO weren't giving her enough attention. " I said to the older kids

"I asked her if she wanted to play with us in the second round" Caleb shrugged

"They second round?? Who asks someone if they wanna play on the second round. No wonder.

I said running up to Hayley's room.

Annie's P.O.V.

Hayley is the first one to ever curse in front of mommy. I honestly don't care if she hates me. Caleb is my favorite one. But I still do love her, sometimes she's just annoying.

Hayley's P.O.V. 

Someone knocked on the door.

I felt like a champ cursing in front of Katie

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled

"Hayley open the door" Katie said

"Bye Katie!!" I yelled

" HAYLEY OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!" she yelled back

"No, you have no proof of saying your my mom and that Billy is my father or that Caleb and Annie were my siblings." I said

"Yes I do. I have videos of all of your births. You came out of MY vagina. All 3 of you did. And i have wedding videos of Billy and I." She said. 

"If you open the door I can show them to you"  She said. I was kind of disgusted that she said the word vagina. 

"Fine" I opened the door and we watching the videos

I was ashamed of myself. "I'm SO SO sorry of denying you were mother. I love you too and I won't exchange you for anyone else. I'm sorry for cursing and i'm sorry for calling you Katie." I said giving her a super tight hug.

"I love you too Hayley. You were just going through a phase. I forgive you sweetheart. " Mommy said. She went back down to her room and I had a little chat with my siblings.

Caleb's P.O.V.

I really do love Hayley like I love her a lot. I loved Annie and Hayley the same. 

She came downstairs and sat next to me.

"Hey Hay" I said.

"Hi Caleb" she said hugging me.

".....Annie" she said to Annie

She rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing here? I thought you hated me" Annie asked.

"Ha, I'm not here for you. I'm here for Caleb. My wonderful brother. I know you don't like me and you like him more than you like me. But when he's gone don't come crawling to me. Your a dirty little whore kissing MY brother. He doesn't like you and he never will. Go ahead and cry in your room. Fucking slut!" Hayley said


"Don't ever talk to me ever AGAIN! BOTH OF YOU" Annie said running up to her room crying.

"Hayley what's wrong with you?" I said.

"Now she knows how I feel. You guys always leave me out of things. Now she gets a taste of her own medicine. But your never mean to me so i'm nice to you" she smiled.

I smiled at her back but concerned about Annie.

I can't believe she said that to her. 

I had no idea what to do. 

I didn't care. I'll just leave their sibling drama the way it is. Me and Annie aren't meant to be anyways. I mean come on she's my sister.

Hayley's P.O.V.

I was proud of myself. But at the same time I felt guilty. But i'm not going to show mommy the videos and pictures i took of them kissing because I wanted more. And when they do something to hurt me, or me just wanting to be a savage i'll show mommy.

Annie used to be my favorite now it's Caleb. He never did anything to hurt me. I love my bubbas

Annie's P.O.V.

Is what she said true?? Am I a slut. I showed my own brother my boobs. And I kissed him like 4 times. 

I can't believe she did that to me.

Don't ever underestimate your little sister!

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