part one

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Lauren’s POV

It was Friday night I was lying on my bed doing absolutely nothing. I was waiting for Emily to get back, she had been out on a date with this guy she met a few weeks back. Emily was my flatmate and my best friend, we are together nearly all the time, so I always got really bored whenever she was out and I was left at home.  I looked at the clock next to my bed to see it was only 18:43 I knew she wouldn’t be back until at least half seven. I was bored of doing nothing in my room so I slid off my bed and stumbled into the living room, I stood in the doorway looking around thinking of what I could do.  I dragged my feet along the floor and went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea, I grabbed the kettle and filled it with water. I flicked it on and the water started to boil, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. It was a text from Emily saying: “This guy is a total jerk, I’ll be home as soon as I can! xxxxx”  I felt bad for Emily she was really looking forward to her date she said he seemed a nice guy when she met him, obviously not. I finished making my tea and walked back into the living room, put my mug on the coffee table and sat down on the sofa. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on, I watched Beaver falls on catch up as there was nothing else on. I grabbed my phone to check the time and it was pretty much quarter past six, just as I put my phone down I heard the door open.

Emily’s POV

I walked into the apartment to find Lauren sat on the sofa watching Beaver Falls. “Hey!” She said to me with a massive smile plastered across her face. “Ergh hey,” I stormed over to the sofa slammed down my bag on the coffee table and sat down next to Lauren.  “So tell me about this arsehole then.” I smiled a little, but I didn’t know where to begin. “Well first he asked what film I wanted to see I told him and he did the complete opposite and I had to sit through an old wild west film,”  Lauren looked at me confused, maybe she thought I was overreacting . “Then while we were in the actual cinema, he chose to sit next to this group of girls and he kept trying to flirt with them,  then in certain parts of the films he was explaining what was going on to me, he said I obviously didn’t understand cause I was a girl!” I carried on as Lauren just sat there listening to me rant on “Then when the movie finally finished we got out the cinema and he basically asked me to sleep with him, he was like oh its not like it means anything, he was a total arsehole! I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible!” After I said all that I was out of breath, me and Lauren just looked at each other and burst out laughing. We sat there for a while in complete silence, but then I thought to myself, I need to get in something more comfy. “Im just gonna get in my PJ’s!”  I grabbed my bag off the coffee table and walked into my room to get changed.

Lauren’s POV

As Emily walked away I thought how could a guy think Emily would go home with him! Shes one of the most innocent people I know! I heard footsteps behind me so I turned round to Emily walking into the kitchen making a cup of tea. I got up and walked in there “You can make me another one if you want!” She took my mug out of my hand cleaned it out and flicked the kettle on. “So you excited for tomorrow?!” I looked at her confused, I knew something was happening but I had a terrible memory,  “Tomorrow?”  Emily just stood there looking at me waiting for me to remember. “Lauren! The spa weekend I told you about on Monday!” I finally realised what she was talking about. “Yes, yes I’m excited, I’m all packed and ready to go.” I said with a fake smile, trying to convince her I was being honest. “Lauren as if you actually packed! We’re leaving at half 9 so be ready for then!”

“Erghh but that means waking up early!”  I pulled my sad face, I hate getting up early and she knows that but I guess if its for a spa, I guess a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! We ended up going to bed pretty early, I knew if I didn’t I wouldn’t wake up in time tomorrow. I went into my room at 9pm but before I went to bed I started packing. I packed just a few tops a pair of skinny jeans, leggings, a dress (we were thinking of going to a club tomorrow night), my bathing suit, my make up and just a few other things. It took me a while to choose everything to take, but I was finally finished just before ten, we were only going for a weekend but it looked like I had packed for about a week! I got into my pyjamas, walked into my bathroom brushed my teeth and took off all my make up and finally slipped into my bed. I shut my eyes and fell asleep almost instantly.

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