» Liam Payne {P1} «

Start from the beginning

It was the new magazine for Syco, the porn industry where Liam works at. He bit his lip and flipped through it, getting to an article about Liam.

He closed it and brought the magazine out with him to the counter. He saw no one around and knew it would be slow today since it was Monday, the slowest day of the week.

He usually only got a maximum of 3 or 4 customers that day. Every other day there would be customers all over the shop.

He yawned a bit and leaned against the counter as he flipped the magazine back open, getting into the article about Liam looking for a new person to work with. He was holding auditions all this week for anyone who wanted to join the industry and be with him in a video.

Niall licked his lips and started to daydream about what it would be like to be with Liam. To see what it would feel like to have Liam's cock in his mouth, up his arse...

He could feel his pants start to tighten but he couldn't seem to pull himself from his daydream of Liam fucking him up against the wall, Liam breathing heavy against his neck, feeling his cock pushing in and out of him, hitting him in just that right spot.

He was knocked out of his dream land when someone cleared their throat. He jumped and quickly closed the magazine, "Sorry bout that."

The man chuckled and as he spoke, Niall swore he heard the voice before, "It's alright, mate. Something you fancy in that article?" Niall slowly looked up and made eye contact with the person who has been haunting every wet dream he has had for the past 2 years. Liam Payne.

He swallowed thickly and cleared his own throat, "I uhh... N-No... Just..." He blushed and looked down.

He didn't normally stutter but this was Liam Payne. Liam chuckled and grabbed the magazine, opening it up to the article that Niall was reading, making Niall turn even more red to the point where he was flushed down to his shoulders.

Liam smiled a bit, "Ah. The article about me looking for a new porn partner." Niall coughed a bit to cover up the hysterical laughter he wanted to let out.

He nodded his head, "Uhmm... Yeah. Is there... Is there anything I can do for you?" Liam licked his lips before slowly closing the article. He looked back at Niall, his brown eyes piercing through him as he slowly looked him up and down.

Niall noticed Liam's gaze stopping at the front of his trousers and the smirk on his face. Niall was confused until he looked down and realized that he was still hard inside the confinements of his jeans, his erection pressing painfully up against the zipper.

Niall covered his face and groaned, mortified. Not only was he hard in front of a customer, he was hard in front of Liam Payne.

Liam let out a loud laugh, clapping his hands together. Niall smiled behind his hands because lets face it, Liam had the most wonderful laugh anyone has ever heard.

Liam leaned against the counter, crossing his arms as he peered at Niall, "Don't be embarrassed. I get this a lot. It's not a surprise anymore when I see someone hard from thinking about me." Niall froze instantly and took his hands off his face, looking at Liam in disbelief.

He knew porn stars were cocky but not like this. He moved to the counter so fast that Liam jumped back.

Niall glared at him, "Listen up, yeah, you're hot. You have a right to be cocky. But not like that. There are guys that are way hotter than you in the industry, who do better than you, who can get more than you. So don't come in here thinking that you're all hot shit when you're not, okay? Okay."

Niall knew he was lying and Liam knew it too. Liam was the best in the industry and the hottest, but still, Niall didn't like this guy's attitude and he was quickly losing all respect for him.

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