Flirting At The Mall

Start from the beginning

The last guy caught your attention though. He was four inches taller than you and was Latino. He had black, curly hair and chocolate brown eyes.

Piper started talking to the guy with blonde hair, who introduced himself as Jason.

Annabeth started to talking to the guy with Raven black hair and sea green eyes. He introduced himself as Percy.

The tall guy with the military style buzz cut walked to Hazel and started talking to her.

You awkwardly walked away from the group a little bit because you were really shy.

Plus, the only guy left for you to talk to was the guy you immediately developed a crush on. He introduced himself as Leo.

You waited ten minutes and your friends were still talking to the guys they were flirting with.

You looked down sadly and looked back up to see Leo walking over to you with a goofy grin.

You smiled shyly back with red dusting your chinks. The blush was very visible too.

"Hey." Leo said.

"H-hi." You awkwardly stuttered back.

"What's your name?"

"(Y/N)." You mumbled.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady." Leo said.

The red on your cheeks became even darker and you looked at Leo to see a pink dusting his cheeks.

'Awe...he looks so cute when he's blushing.' Your mind thought.

'No stop. You just met this guy.' You mentally scolded yourself.

"Uh...thanks." You said softly.

There was an awkward silence between you two as you both watched and listened to your friends flirt.

"So, why were you standing here alone?" Leo asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm really shy." You replied shyly.

"Oh. Shyness is cute though."

"Mmh hmm." You mumbled.

"Since they're flirting, do you want to go walk around with me?" Leo asked you with an adorable puppy face.


You and Leo walked off from the friends flirting with each other and did your own thing.

Leo bought you Starbucks and walked to Barnes & Noble with you. You wanted to get a new book to read.

After getting the book you bought and laughing at Leo's jokes, your phone buzzed with a text from Hazel.

Hazel: Hey, where are you? We have to leave. Meet us outside of Sear's.

You sighed and looked back at Leo sadly. He noticed your facial expressions change and looked concerned.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked.

"I just got a text from Hazel and I have to leave. I'm really sorry and I had a lot of fun spending time with you." You smiled sympathetically at the end.

"Oh. That sucks. I guess I'll see you sometime else?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, bye."


You started walking off in the direction of Sear's with a disappointed expression spread across your face.

All of a sudden, someone turned you around and smashed their lips into yours.

You widened your eyes until you saw that it was Leo and kissed back as quickly as possible.

He pulled away for air and hugged you. You hugged back and blushed at what just happened.

"I'm really sorry, but I just had to do that." He mumbled into your hair.

"I-it's okay." You stuttered.

He pulled away and held out his phone to you. You took it and looked at it to see a new contact up.

"Can I have your phone number?" He asked.

You nodded and smiled before typing in your phone number. When you were done, you gave Leo back his phone.

"Maybe we can hang out sometime?" He asked hopefully.

"It's a date." You nodded and smiled before walking to meet up with your friends.
This was longer than I intended it to be. Whenever I try to make a short one shot, it always turns out long!


Sorry this wasn't very good. What do you guys think of this?

It's 3:28 AM and I'm going to bed, so goodnight!

Love you guys💕

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