Chapter 3: Fear and Comfort

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He felt a tug in his sleeves and his train of thoughts stopped. He stared at Blue, before speaking, "Stay out of this, shitbag!" He growled, trying to push him away. Blue flinched at the insult before finally finding the courage to speak up, "Please, stop this! Just look at him!" Blue tried to show that Fresh wasn't a threat. He did look at Fresh, only to find him pointing finger guns at him. Blue let out a nervous laugh before looking at Error. "Maybe- Or.. He's probably scared, but doesn't want to show it." Blue tried to reason with him, smiling nervously at how much Fresh acted.

"Maybe you could befriend him like you did with me?" Blue looked at him with an encouraging look and a genuine smile across his face. "What gives you the idea I befriended you?" He crossed his arms and stared at Blue with his usual smug look, still holding Fresh with his strings. "Well... " He trailed off, nervousness leaking in his voice as he spoke. "No one can resist my magnificence! Because of that, you let me live. Now you will let him live too!" He proudly stated, trying his best to show that he was as courageous as Error was- at least, that's what Blue thought Error was. He looked at Blue before looking back at Fresh, then at Blue again. He really is like a child. Child... he knew it was familiar to him and he knew that one day it would destroy him too.

This is too much information at once and he couldn't take it. His relationships, his goals, his so-called friends- it was too much for him. It was overflowing and he knew that this '
"relationship and friendship" will only get in the way of his goals and he couldn't take. He couldn't accept it.

Panicked, he let go of the strings that held Fresh in place and clutch his pounding heart as hw let out sharp breaths. This was too much; this was too painful. He could hear faint voices, before falling into someone else's arms. "Shit, shit, shit," he cursed under his breath, breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath and trying to stop his pounding heart. "Error.." he heard. "Error! Snap out of it!" He heard Blue call out to him, holding his shoulders and looking at him in concern, he look back to see Fresh holding him in his arms, supporting his with his own weight from falling. "Shit.. sorry." He cursed again, trying to focus at the Blue's voice. He was suffering from another panic attack, and he knew that this wouldn't be the last of it.

Error looked at Fresh and was hesitant, but he knew that maybe- just maybe- he could allow himself to open up to a variety of certain friendships. "I'm- I'm..." he stuttered trying to find words in between his breaths. "I'm s-sorry," he muttered before falling into Fresh's arms knowing thay he couldn't hold himself any longer. "My name is Error," He tried to speak, trying to make Fresh think that he isn't just panic attacks. "Save it, homeslice breadslice," he assured him before allowing Error to sit and calm himself. He flushed in embarrassment before accepting the offer.

Moments passed, and Error finally regained his strength before speaking again. "My name's Error," he spoke, still shaking from his trauma. "- and you're shit." He said, receiving a death glare from Blue. "I-.. I mean that you're less shittier than other shits." He assured Fresh, but Blue wasn't exactly convienced, but it worked nonetheless.

Error looked back at Fresh who sat parallel to him, playing with some sort of device. "The fuck is that?" Error asked. "Watch the lingo, my brotato chip!" Fresh told him, making Error groaned in annoyance. Why can't he curse? "It's a Tamgotchi!" Fresh added, before showing him the little pink egg-like device to him. In it, it showed a digital pet-like form. Was it a cat? He didn't ask. "You're weird..." Error muttered, poking Fresh clothes. "No, you!" He poked Error back which only caused him to bite his non-existent lip, holding in the laughter. How dare he touch him?

"No..." Papyrus muttered under his breath, staring at the closed portal, tears streaming down his face as he stared at the place where his beloved brother had vanished. He stood alone at the dusted judgement hall, the floors glistened along with the hum of birds melody in the background. "Are you alright?" He heard a voice call out to him- a voice of a woman. "Who's there? Show your fucking self!" He turned in a 360 to face a small human in black and white colors. "Who the fuck are you? Have you come here to fuck with me again?" He cursed, pointing bones at the human, who only frowned at the gesture. "Do you not want my help?" She asked, holding a hand out to him , to show that she wasn't a threat or will ever be. She looked like an average 19 girl, looking young and short. Papyrus stared at the girl speechlessly, not bothering to out down his weapon.

"I'm only here to help," she stated, looking at the shivering skeleton before her. "I asked who the fuck you are!" He yelled again. "If you insist," she stated.
"I'm CORE! Frisk, I live in the Omegaverse to help those who seek refuge. Especially after the attack of certain anomalies." She stated, feeling like she should give a background of her history. After all, this isn't the first time she was threatened.

"Yeah, and I'm a gay human," he sarcastically said, giving her the obvious hint that he doesn't believe her at all. "If you say so," she said, before opening a portal, where a bunch of other monsters stood, talking or just gathered in one place. "The fuck?" He muttered, confused and embarassed from refusing to believe her. "Are you coming or not?" She asked, holding a hand out for him to accept.

He lowered his weapons, before accepting the hand and he spoke, "If you harm me, I won't hesitate to kill you." He threatened. C!Frisk doesn't seem to be taken aback by the threat and instead she replied with, "Yeah, sure!" After all, he isn't the first to threaten her to be killed.

They entered the portal, hand-in-hand and US! Papyrus was greeted by something he never knew was even possible.

(A/N: I left you with a cliffhanger as always.)

Edited 2018

ErrorFresh: What is Love? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ