"The Terpelajar, otherwise known as Erudite, were the intelligent ones. They believed that intelligence was the most important thing above all else. Their job was to invent and create different tools that could be used to help with everything in the tribe. Not only did they make tools though, they mostly did a lot of tests and experiments to create new medicines to help with any of the injured or ill. They were all vain though. That was one flaw each Erudite had. Since they were so intelligent, they believed that they were the best. Which did create some conflict, but I'm not going to go into those details. Anyway, they believed that ignorance was to blame for the injustices of the world. Their motto was, "Knowledge is the only logical solution to conflict. Intelligence must be used for the benefit of society." Their core belief was that knowledge eliminates conflict. The symbol that was used to represent their faction was an eye. The eye stood for knowledge and understanding. The clarity of the eye was made to show that there would also always be room for more information and knowledge on certain things."

Tris is now watching me intently, still with that spark of interest being shown in her eyes. "Well are you going to continue or not?" she asks impatiently when I didn't say anything for a while.

I chuckle and shake my head. "Okay, okay. It's just amusing to see how eager you are to know more about it."

She smiles sheepishly at me and it makes a smile of my own spread across my lips.

"The Keterusterangan, known as Candor, were the honest ones. They believed that honesty and the truth was the best policy. Their job in the tribe was to deal with any conflicts that happened. Whether it was in the tribe or somewhere else with another tribe. They always searched for the truth and could sniff out a lie ten miles miles away. Basically they're like Christina, a blunt human lie detector. They were taught to say anything that came to their head, having no filter at all. Again, just like Christina. They believed that dishonesty was to blame for the injustices of the world. Their motto was, "Dishonesty makes evil possible. Truth makes us inextricable." Their core belief was basically the last line of their motto. That truth makes us inextricable. Their symbol was the silhouette of two men, one darkened and the other not. It looked like they were holding large bowls, but that's not what it was. The two men stood back to back so it could look like a balanced scale. They believed that the lighter man was the clear truth and the darker was the dark lies.

"And finally there the Persahabatan, or Amity. They were the kindest people you could ever possibly meet. Their job in the tribe was to greet anyone who joins after passing an initiation and to do the farming. Mostly the farming part though. They'd also take care of any animals that weren't being used for food in the tribe. One major flaw that they had was that they were too passive due to their overly-compassionate demeanor. They believed that cruelty was to be blamed for the world's injustices. Their motto was, "Trust. Self-sufficiency. Forgiveness. Kindness." Their core belief was to have open arms, open eyes, and forgiving hearts. The symbol that represented them was a tree that's branches were swaying in the wind. Just like forgiving, letting it roll off your back and into the past, the branches on the tree were swaying to let their past problems roll off their back." I finish explaining.

"That's a lot." Is the first thing Tris says.

I nod my head in agreement. "Yes. Yes, it is."

Her head tilts to the side a bit and her eyes narrow as she seems to be confused. "So those faction symbols are the symbols that are tattooed on your back." she says.

"Yeah, they are. I got all of them instead of just one because..." I sigh. "I don't want to be just one thing." I say as I lean back on the couch, putting my arm over the back of it behind Tris.

"I want to be brave, and I want to be selfless. And intelligent, and honest, and kind. Although," I say as I turn my gaze away from the floor to her eyes. "I'm still working on kind."

She smiles at me and I find myself smirking back at her. "No one's perfect." she says softly. "It doesn't work like that. One bad thing goes away, and another bad thing replaces it."

"Yeah." I say breathily.

I didn't realize it before, but now I do. As we were both talking, we were also leaning in. Closer and closer, but not close enough. No where near as close as we were on Bunny Hill. Not yet, anyway.

Her eyes shift from staring into mine and look down to my lips, then back up again. I give her a small smile and she returns it with one of her own award winning ones.

It takes almost all of my self control to not look down at her lips, but even then I lose and I find myself staring at her small, plump lips.

When I look back up at her, I see that's she's closer than before. So she's leaning in....that means that she does like me.

She likes me.

She likes me.

Tris Prior wants to kiss me

"Tobias!" A stern voice booms from behind us.

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Cliffhangerrrrrrrr! Sorry not sorry about the kiss, it'll come in due time. Donkey probably wants to murder me for doing this again. You know who you are. But seriously, you'll love how it turns out. The kiss, I mean. It should happen sometime soon. More or less.

/Alone Together- Fall Out Boy\


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