Chapter 20

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Every dark cloud
has a silver lining

Four POV

I gently push her up against the lockers of the school hallway. I've wanted to be able to do this for a long time. This being one of the many ways I've wanted to show her off as mine and no one else's. My hands are placed at her waist with her arms around my neck. I lean forward and press my lips to her soft ones. Immediately, I feel a rush of pure adrenaline pump through me. I can feel my heart rate increasing. She kisses me back in a passionate kiss.

We continue to kiss in the empty hallway. The bell rang while we were in the hall, talking, and everyone cleared out, but I wanted to stay with her for a while longer. I know we're both missing class right now, and I've skipped occasionally, but she's never skipped a class before.

My hands slowly slide down to her hips and I press my body against hers. Close enough so that nothing can separate us. Except maybe our clothes, but she's not ready for that next step yet and neither am I.

"Tobias," She giggles in between kisses. "We're missing class right now."

I kiss her. "Screw class. One absence won't do much harm." I say.

She chuckles softly and I silence it by slamming my lips to hers. Her hands snake up my neck and tangle themselves into my hair, gently tugging on it.

I detach my lips from hers and leave a trail off hot kisses from the corner of her mouth, to her cheek, towards her cheekbone, then stop when my lips press behind her ear.

I hear her breathing hitch and smirk to myself. She's all I could've ever asked for.

One of her hands trail down the side of my face to my chin where she pulls my lips back to hers. After a while, I slightly pull back and rest my forehead against hers. She smiles and it makes my heart pound in my chest.

"I love you Tobias."

Every time I hear those words spoken from her lips, I feel like I could accomplish anything. It gives me strength. She gives me strength.

"I love you too Tris."

I jolt awake from the blissful dream due to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Reaching my hand out of the warmth of the blanket, I slap my hand on the snooze button. Fuck you very much, alarm clock. Damn piece of shit, interrupting my dream.

After about five minutes I sit up in my bed and get up so I could get ready for my job interview. I already have one job that I got the week after we moved to Chicago, but I need money for college and I seriously doubt that Marcus will be paying for any of my tuition. I've already got a good bit saved up but I don't even have at least twenty five percent of it yet.

I walk to my dresser and grab boxers, some jeans, and a pair of socks. Then I go to my closet where I take out a white tank top, a plain white shirt, and a black blazer. For this job interview, I have to dress up a bit because it's for a nice Italian restaurant called Fazione. They don't have extremely high expectations so I feel like I would be able to work there. It's a good pay and that's what really matters.

I walk to my en suite bathroom and place my clothes on the counter. I undress myself, taking off my dog tag necklace as well, like I usually do, so it won't become rusted. That necklace is way too valuable to me. It's one of the two last pieces of my mother that I have left. I step in the shower and turn on the water.

The second one is a blue sculpture. It looks like falling water, but it was really glass, perfectly clear, polished, flawless. My mother gave it to me, just like she did the dog tag. But if Marcus ever found out about it. He would have no trouble shattering it.

After being in the shower for about ten minutes, I step out. Taking my towel off it's rack in the process. I dry myself with the towel and get dressed, making sure to hide my the necklace under the shirt. It takes me five minutes to finish getting ready and I walk downstairs quietly as to not wake up Marcus from his nap. Lord knows what he would do if someone disturbed him from his rest.

I slip out the door after grabbing the keys to my truck. Speaking of trucks, or just cars in general, reminds me of the night of the winter dance when Tris was gaping over my Ford. I chuckle a bit at the memory as I pull out of the driveway, after buckling myself in of course.

Twenty five minutes later, I'm pulling into the parking lot of Fazione. I feel pretty confident in myself to get this job. But of course there's still that nervous energy inside of me but I push it down and step out of the car after turning it off.

Hopefully I get this job.

Time Skip

"Hey guys," Tris says as she sits down at the lunch table in between Chris and Shauna, across from me. It's Tuesday now and we're eating lunch. After my interview the manager told me that if I got the job than I should be expecting a phone call within three to four days. I don't have a clue if I got it or not but I guess I'll find out soon enough.

A chorus of 'Hey' and 'Hi' goes around the table in reply to Tris. She looks around the table. "Where's Lynn?" She asks.

Almost on cue, Lynn angrily stalks over to the table. "I'm about to fucking cut a bitch." She says as she takes a seat beside me since it's the only open spot left at the table. "Zoey took my knives again without asking. I was planning on practicing my knife throwing after school but I can't do that now." She huffs and crosses her arms in annoyance.

Zoey, from what Zeke told me, is Lynn's girlfriend. Apparently they've been dating for a couple months and she's been getting on Lynn's nerves lately.

"If she keeps doing all of these things that you don't like then just talk to her." Chris says.

"Don't you think I've already tried that?" Lynn snaps. "She's getting on my last nerve. I swear if she does one more thing like that to piss me off I'm breaking up with her."

Chris nods. "You guys used to be so cute together." She mumbles to herself. Everyone either didn't hear it or chose to ignore it. I decide on the latter and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too. Chris is always going around 'shipping' people together. Or at least that's what Zeke tells me. He's been helping me out a lot along with Tris and the rest of the gang.

Everyone continues to talk for the rest of lunch and then when the bell ring, we continue our day through hell.

After school ends I decide to just take a drive around Chicago since I'm still fairly new to the city. Maybe I should go check out that gym that Tris told me about the other day. What was it called again... Mike's gym? No. Riker's Sports? Wait no, that's the gym that was back in Michigan. Um... Spike's gym! That's the name.

I pull into the nearest gas station and stop the car for a minute so I can look up the address. Better to be safe than sorry. I think it would be a lot better to not get into a car accident. Once I find the address, I put into my gps and start my drive there.

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Hey guys. Sorry this chapter is overdue because I didn't update last week but I was really stuck on what to write about. So this chapter is basically just a shirt filler one. It would've been longer but I didn't know what to write about. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas on what should happen in the next chapter, please comment. I'm getting a bit stuck. Also, the picture that's at the top is of the school's two courtyards and a lake that's a few yards behind the school. It's sort of a hidden place and it will come into use during a certain chapter😏. Anyway, that's really all I have to say so...yeah. Have a good day.😄


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