They all agree with her seeing her perspective of things.

Nicki:  We do have a few names we like though but we don't want to tie it down to 1 just yet. It's definitely going to be name with a meaning

Sandi: And that's beautiful

They all spoke for a little bit longer before Carol suggest they dug into the cake and various other desserts that they all gladly did.


Night Before The Trial...

Drake lay awake in his cell just thinking. He was finally coming to terms with the fact that tomorrow will be judgement day and would determine whether he would miss his son's 5th birthday or whether he would be there to witness his birth. He looked up at his ceiling letting himself think of only the positive, not wanting to let the bad thoughts get the better of him...

He woke up the next morning  with a bad feeling; almost as bad as his last trial but this time it was worse. He made his way to start getting ready once the guard had let him out of his cell. He did his getting ready routine and after taking a shower got himself dressed into his suit for the day. It was going to be a long one.

He walked through the corridors with a guard by his side as he was lead to a room. Once inside he smiled finally being able to see her after not having seen her for a little while now. She gave him a smile, but for the sake of their company avoided anything else.

They took their seat as she outlined their case to him again. He listened to her for the first part, but it didn't take long for him get sidetracked by her beauty. She had a beautiful glow and her bump was bigger than ever but she still wore it well. She was a lot curvier and had acquired a natural tan from the summer whether which made Drake want to place kisses all over her. She looked so refreshed and relaxed and just by that he could tell she had finally taken time for herself 

Nicki: You got it?

He snapped out of his daze and nodded before speaking in a deep voice that only she could really hear.

Drake: Yeah baby girl, I got it...

Judge: I agree with the jury and I find the defendant guilty, and therefore he will continue to face 5-10 years. Case dismissed

Nicki felt like all the wind had been knocked out of her and the room she was in was getting smaller. She'd done exactly what she had said she wouldn't and now she'd definitely lost him for at least 5 years. She felt his arms wrap around her and a kiss placed on her temple. He let his hands just rest on her stomach before he placed another kiss on her temple.

Drake: You'll be fine baby girl. Look after yourself and look after the baby, that's all I need. Don't worry about me.

And with that he was pulled away from her and taken back to his cell where he would be sending the next 5-10 years of his life.

5 years and 7 months later...

Drake got into his car and began his drive to where he had been directed was Nicki's new home. He'd last seen her about 2 years ago after they got in a heated argument at one of he visits and he had basically ended it with her and told her to more on. He didn't stop asking about her though, every time Malaki paid him a visit he made sure to ask how she was doing.

He had gotten out about a couple of weeks ago and had decided he need to pay her a visit and act on the feeling that he still had for her.

They drive was about 30 minutes long, but once he got there he fell in love with the house. It reminded his very vaguely of one of the designs he had done for his own dream house whilst he was locked up. He made his way through the gates once he had been let in and parked his car. He walked up the stairs to the door and rang the doorbell. Not long later she appeared at the door looking just as beautiful as he remembered.

Violation Of The Law Of Love; A Dricki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now