Chapter 11

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Nicki felt the bed shift and not long later the sound of footsteps followed. The door creaked slightly as he opened it and walked out before closing again. She decided to give him some time alone before she followed because she already knew of all the stress he had from his trial.

They were nearing the end of his trial now with only two dates left and he had a negative feeling about how everything was going. The judge didn't seem to be too keen on him as it was and this only meant that it would reflect on his sentencing. He had followed everything Carlos has told him to, but even so he still didn't trust that everything would be okay.

Nicki got out of bed and put on her silk robe. She checked the time in the digital clock that sat on the bedside table and saw that it read: '1:58am'. She sighed before she made her way down the stairs. She found him sat on a stool by the island with a glass of whisky. She went and took a seat opposite him and just looked at him and he swirled the liquid before downing it. He put the glass down and just looked back at her. She reached over and too his hands into hers before looking him in the eyes.

Nicki: you're going to be fine. Which ever was this goes you're gonna be fine. God would never give you something you couldn't handle.

Drake: but for how long nic, if I go in its not gonna be like 6 months. I'll be doing serious time and we both know that

Nicki: you'll be okay.

Drake: I really hope so


Judge: sentencing will take place when we get back.

Drake walked out with Carlos following. He went to where he knew Nicki would already be waiting. He walked into the room and saw her pacing with her arms folded. She opened her arms and he walked straight into them. She held him close as he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

Nicki: it's okay baby. It's gonna be okay

By this point they both couldn't hold in their tears any longer. They knew the outcome wasn't going to be nice and now they just had to face it. She pulled away from him and held his face in her hands.

Nicki: hold it together okay

He nodded and she wiped his tears as they made their way down his face.

Nicki: you're gonna be okay

Drake: but they're gonna take me away from you, from my family and friends. I can't do it nic

Nicki: you'll be fine. I promise.

She wiped his tears again before pulling him in for another hug. She spoke gently to him making sure he would be the only one that can hear, as a few other people had now come to the room.

Nicki: we'll be fine baby. Don't let this discourage you in anyway. I just need you to hold it together for me and I promise everything will be fine okay

He nodded.

Nicki: we're gonna have to go back in a second so give me a kiss.

He pulled away from her slightly and let his lips attach with hers, letting it linger for a little while before they pulled away. They wiped each other tears before he placed a kiss on her temple. He took her hand into his and looked her in the eyes.

Nicki: you ready

He nodded. They walked hand in hand back to the courtroom letting each other go as soon as they walked in...

Judge: they defendant will be sentenced with a minimum of 5-10 years, which can be reduced on good behaviour.

Drake closed his eyes and hung his head taking deep breath in order to keep himself together, even thought his hands were already shaking and he felt really light headed. Nicki on the other hand couldn't hold it together and just let the tears flow as she held her head in her hands. Sandi was also in tears whilst the rest of his family and friends just sat and let it all sink in.

Violation Of The Law Of Love; A Dricki StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum