The Wedding:Part 1

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"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, OH MY FUCKING GOSH!!!!" The words flow out of my mouth, fueled by the excitement that explodes inside me. I take exaggerated deep breaths to calm myself.

"Calm down, Erica!" Maygan hisses, tossing smooth black hair out of her eyes, which have flawless streaks of blue eye shadow arcing above them. She always looks irritatingly perfect, and today, dressed up for my wedding, she's radiant.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN!!! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?!?!? I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!! I just know something will go wrong! After all the trouble you went through to plan this...I'm sorry Maygan." My voice is practically going hoarse.

Maygan stops fluffing my veil and rolls her eyes at me. "Sit down for a second and think about what you just said." I kind of collapse into the stool behind me.

"I'm sorry Maygan?"

"Before that." She crosses the bedroom to select a perfume scent, her heels clicking sophisticatedly.

"I'm getting married?" I rest my head in my palms, which are sweating. Then I move them away immediately. I don't want to smudge my carefully done makeup.

"After that!"

I sit on the unmade bed, smoothing my dress, and think. "Oh. Something will go wrong."


"Well, I know something will go wrong. I just know it." I look down at my hands and sigh. Fear and anticipation boil in my stomach, which feels like it's going to empty itself...all over my dress... in front of EVERYONE... when it's time to say the vows... I shudder.

"Erica, everything has been literally perfect so far. I don't think even one person could ruin your wedding. Its impossible. You just have the pre-wedding jitters is all. Don't worry about it." She tucks a stray peice of hair into its tight braid.

"If you say so...."

"Stop worrying so much! Everything will go fine! I promise!" She smiles at me, showing her pearly teeth.

"You better be right Maygan Shulz, or else you see Christina." Christina is me, but when I'm angry. Everyone has about two to three people living in them. Its just some weird logic I heard. Is it true? I don't know.

"Yeah yeah." She fluffs my vail one last time. "There. Now stand up and go look in the mirror."

I do as I'm told and walk over to the mirror. I gasp in surprise.

The girl in that mirror is definitely not me. This girl looks like she's twenty-one. Her long sunshine colored hair is curled at its blonde tips. She has flawless skin, yet she's barely wearing any make up. She looks awesome in her glimmering, floor length wedding dress, too. It shows of her curves nicely.

"Woah. Who's that girl?" I ask pointing to the mirror.

"Its Jess. From New Girl. Just kidding. I had to the say that. But its you silly. A lot of you has changed since high school."

I nod as if I know what she's talking about. Where have the years gone? I remember moving from Virginia to California, but after that, everything just went like WHOOSH!!! It's all a big, messy blur.

There's a soft knock on the door, and my dad comes in with a big bouquet full of red and yellow flowers. Red is Joshua's favorite color, and yellow is mine. There are gerberas, roses, dahlias, daffodils, sunflowers, and lilies.

"Ready sweetheart?" he asks. I'm surprised. He's usually loud and vibrant, like my mom. I guess she's just trying to keep me calm so that I don't freak out.

A flicker of uncertainty flashes through my mind. My parents were never there for me, growing up. Why should they be a part of my wedding?

I take a breath and smile, burying my doubts- for now. "Ready."

Joshua's P.O.V.

"I can't believe today is the day I get married to the love of my life." I sigh, smirking.

"That was cheesy, Josh." Jacob laughs. "It is kind of unbelievable. I knew you'd get married sometime, but I hoped you'd wait until after college. But I'm still happy for you. In fact, I'm kind of jealous." Jacob says to me as he knots my tie.

"Don't worry. You'll find the perfect guy eventually. Like Maxine."

"Naw. That guy is a jerk." He says. "Wait. How are you so calm when Erica is probably going insane right now?"

"I'm not calm. I'm jumping around on the inside. I'm just trying to compose myself as best as I can." I say, ruffling my hair. My insides are rattling around wildly, but I keep it all off my face.

"Stop it. Its supposed to be gelled down. You're messing it up." Jacob fusses with my hair.

"Well, I know Erica likes it when its messy like this. When its gelled, I look too professional. I'm going for the serious, yet chill look. Get it?"

"Sure, but now it looks like you just got out of the shower."

"That's a good thing. People will know that I'm clean."

Jacob rolls his eyes at me but smiles. "You probably aren't."

He attacks me with Axe cologne before smiling at his work. Did you know that in Europe, they call Axe cologne Jinx? Interesting huh. I found out when I was watching The Slow Mo Guys on Youtube. They're awesome!

"Finished! Go take a peek in the mirror."

Coughing and gasping for breath, drowing in the tang of cologne, I make my way recutantly to the mirror, terrified that all see a shiny haired dweeb.

I take the last few steps to the mirror and raise my eyebrows at my reflection.

My hair is a ruffled mess, but it doesn't look too bad. My black tuxedo is sharp, too. Erica and I agreed on classy, but not boring, so I'm wearing "Niall Horan shoes" as she calls them, and she's wearing high tops. You gotta love her ideas.

"Good work, Jacob. I actually look pretty good." I adjust my tie and smirk into the mirror.

"I don't think you look pretty good. This took a LOT of hard work, Mister. If anything, you look hella sexy! But in a brotherly way."

"Why thank you. And you aren't too shabby yourself."

"Not too shabby? That's all I get? Oh. I see how you are now." A little twinge of compassion erupts in my stomach. I couldn't have asked for a better brother.

"Don't be such a drama queen Jacob." There's a knock on the door and in comes my mom.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm ready." I smile and walk to the door.

Alright. Here goes nothing. 


You think I should add a bachelor and bachelorette party? I dunno. Tell me if you think I should! Kbye!


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