Chapter 5

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I sat up and groaned. I grabbed my head. Where am I? I felt around a bit. Oh yeah. My bed. I'm still a little tired, so I'll sleep a little more. I flung my arms out and flopped back onto my pillow. Yes! No whipped cream!!! But there was something hard and warm under my right arm. I felt around again. I'm really dumb. Why don't I just use my eyes! I opened them a little, but then shut them quickly. Too much sun.

I let my hands travel down and I felt...abs?

I opened my eyes, SLOWLY, and saw a face. I cocked my head to left. I am seriously confused. I put my hands on the face. Soft cheeks, soft lips. I went up to the hair. Spiked, layered on top, short on the back. Oh. It was Joshua.

Wait. What the fudge is Joshua doing in my bed?!?!

"Havin fun there?" He said. I jumped.

"Shit. You scared pee outta me!" I screamed.

"And why the hell are you shirtless? And in my bed?" I questioned.

He smirked. "Funny thing actually. You got SUPER drunk last night, so I took you home and saved you from a bunch of man whores." He tensed a bit.

I coughed a "jealous".

"But you did some pretty funny things. When we got back, you tried to skinnydip. I was gonna let you do it, but then I thought you'd get a cold. So, I carried you inside and took layed you on your bed. I was about to leave, but then you begged me to stay. So I thought it would be the least I could do. I asked if it was okay to take off my shirt sense it was a little hot, and you said it was fine. So I did. And you stared at me. Forlike, five minutes. Then, you jumped on me and started attacking me with kisses. I was trying to stop you, but you wouldn't. I had finally got you off of me, you just pushed me down on the bed. You were surprisingly strong and I couldn't move. So I layed there. And you kissed me. Then, you said let's do it. I knew that ould be crossing the line, so I had to talk you out of it. Eventually, you fell asleep on me. And he we are now." He smiled.

"I'm such a dork."I mumbled. My face feels hotter that my black car on a scorching sunny day.

He took my face in his hands. "But you're an adorable dork." He kissed my nose.

He looked away, blushing.

"What is it?" I asked. He's soo cute when he blushes.

"Well, I don't want you to be mad at me. I hope you don't mind, but I changed you. I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable in the dress, eve if you do look sexy in it. I swear I didn't peek, though."

I giggled. "I believe you, Joshy." I pecked his lips. "I'm hungry." I whined.

"We can go out if you want." He offered.

"No!" I pouted, feeling lazy. "I want you to make me pancakes and eggs and bacon." I don't bother with manners.

He raised his eyebrow. "And what makes you think I'd do that?"

I thought for a second. Oh! I got it. "Because," I whispered seductively "you'd do anything for me cuz I'm your baby girl. And, if you do, I can help you with your "little" problem this time." I stroked his member slowly. He groaned. Once again, I can't keep out the shivers.

"O-ok." He stuttered.

"Good Tiger." I said, and petted his head. Yeah, his other nickname is Tiger. And I'm Kitten.

He got up, obviously still turned on, and went downstairs.

A few miutes later, I heard sizzling and music.

I love that song. It's "They Don't Know About Us" by One Direction. That's weird. He doesn't like One Direction. I went down the stairs, quietly, and peeked over the corner. He was singing softly. Wow. I've never heard him sing beofore. He has an amazing voice. I tiptoed up to him so he wouldn't hear me. I wrapped my arms around him from behind. He tensed a little, then realized it was me and relaxed.

"You like them now?" I asked.

"No. I just like this song the most. It explains how I felt back in elementary school." He smiled. "Those were the days. But now," he turned around, "we get to do everything we talked about." He smirked.

I slipped out of his hold. "Joshua, we still need to talk about "us"". I bit my lip nervously. He knew when I used his full name, I meant business.

He sighed and turned the stove off. "I suppose so." He got close to me and looked me straight in the eye.

"I've loved you sense the day you walked into the classroom. I just didn't realize it until we started dating. And before that, I was a dick to not have asked you out. It came to the point where your best friend had to do it for us." He chuckled, remembering the thought. I remember that day. You wanted to choke her." He stopped. "And I remember when I said yes. I had to think about it. I liked you just as much. I don't why on earth I said I wanted to think about it."

"Getting off topic." I stated. "And tell me how that you started liking me later. And how you knew I liked you."

"Of course. But eat first. You're looking at me like I'm a chocolate bar."

I pushed him back. "Whatever." I said blushing.


Note from the Editor: Hey! Audrey here! I didn't edit this chapter much, I left it all to flyingbrownies. She did a great job! Hope ya'll like her story! Vote and comment... Isn't it interesting how they got together? That wimpy "ask him out for me" method. Sheesh, kids these days... Haha! Love and breakfast in bed, Audrey!

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