Chapter 16

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I came to around ten or eleven. I was pretty disappointed to wake up, I was having a pretty good dream. I was doing it with Joshua. 

I know I shouldn't be thinking about him, but I can't resist him! He's like chocolate, can't resist! Unless you allergic, but I saw someone eat it and they're allergic. I rested my head in my hands, sighing tiredly. I miss him so much. And there's nothing else to say.

Anyways, I know why I woke up. I have to pee.

I tried pulling myself up, but there were arms wrapped around my waist. I craned my neck a bit to see who it was, and I saw Luke. Oh, yeah. He must've fallen asleep.

I pried his arms off from around me without waking him up. I stood up and stretched weakly. Oh gosh. Not now! I ran to the bathroom and...did stuff.  Geez! My underwear is a bloody mess!!! 

I pull my pants back up a little and grab another pair from my drawer. Luckily, Luke is still asleep. 

I hobble back into the bathroom and change and such. I hate this thing! I'm all moody and I do crazy shit and I'm always fucking hungry! I mean, I am anyways, but I want something to eat every second. It gets on my nerves because then I feel fat and bloated. And then my stomach hurts like hell!

"Knock knock." I heard someone say from outside the door.

"Yeah?" I said once I opened the door. Oh. Its Luke.

"Wanna go to the beach? My friends just invited me." He asked, holding up his phone.

I smiled. I remember the plan I thought up for if we go to the beach. I'm going to buy him one of those disolving swim suites. This is going to be great!

"Sure! But I want to get you a new bathing suit for staying with me for the night." I smiled innocently.

Luke narrowed his eyes at me. "You were thinking out loud. I heard your plan."

"Dammit! Let's just go then. I'll get changed." I mumbled. Man! I bet it would have been an outstanding prank!

"Ok. Be downstairs in and hour. I'll give you sometime to take a shower."

"Oh, how considerate of you." I said sarcastically.

"That's me, being considerate and all." He smiles, and something about him reminds me of Joshua. Yes, it does hurt.

"Get out." I pointed towards the door, ignoring the pain.

"No thank you?"

"Ok. I hate you. There you go."

"We both know you love me!" He picked me up and spun me around like at school.

"Ok, ok. I love you!" I giggled as he set me down.

"Good. You can invite your friends if you want." His arms slip out from around me.

"You won't be-er, never mind. Thanks." I pushed him towards the door.


"Nothing! Bye!" I shut the door in his face. Ok. Now to get ready. I guess I'll call my friends first.

I dialed Alexis' number and told her the details and stuff. I really didn't feel like calling the others, so she said she'd do it. I thanked her and hung up.

I skipped cheerfully to my closet and yanked out some shorts and an over-sized t-shirt. 

Which bikini should I wear? I want a cat. I like cats and I just realized that was completely random.

Ok. Back to the bikini. I think I'll go with this one. It has black and white stripes on the top and bottom, then, on the top, there's a coral and white bow in the middle sort of and on the bottom, its the same bows, but there's one on each side of my waist. And, I'm going to bring a little white jacket just because I like it, you know?

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