Chapter 2

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"Jacob?" I repeated.

"The one and only," he beams.

Wow. He hasn't changed one bit.

"OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!?!?!?!" I screamed, excitement pulsing through me.

"Ow, he said, lifting his hands gingerly to his ears.

"Come 'mere!" I said, and threw my arms around him.

He chuckled. "I missed you, too."

"Well, we should start our tour. Its a pretty big school," he pointed out, glancing around.

I led the way out of the classroom and into the hall. "Welcome to Erica Express. The only chance you'll get to have the greatest tour of this school. Just relax, follow me, and hold all questions til the end."


A while later, we were finished touring the school.

"Any questions, comments, or concerns?"

He thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"Good. We have about 10 more minutes until school is over for the day. So, its pointless to go to class. We can go to the field and catch up." I suggested.


And we were off.

We talked about memories from the time I left, to now. I had a blast talking to him again, it was like some part of me came alive again.

"So, my dad got transferred here, so, now I'm another person to add to the population of California!" he exclaimed.

I wanted to laugh, but I had a question that I desperately ask.

"Is Jo-" He cut me off with a sigh.


I heard him mumble something, but I'm not sure what. I did hear 'douche'.

"Lets go. I'll drive you home." I said, a little glumness poisoning my perfect mood.

"Well, we live next to each other, so you're pretty much driving yourself home."

"WhatEVER!!! Thanks for killin' mah vibe!"


We walked to the parking lot sharing jokes and whatnot. I like that word. Whatnot.

We got to the parking lot and walked to my black Mustang.

"Woah!!! Awesome car, dude!!!"

Of course. Boys'll be boys.

But I still can't stop wondering about Joshua...

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