Chapter 10

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I'm skipping school. I don't like it sooo much that I can't even write about it.

Message from the Editor: I wonder if she really skipped school to write this...


YES!!!! IT'S OVER!!!!! For now... Darn!

I walked into the kitchen to get a little snack. I laughed lightly. I remember when I was younger, I used to always get 'snack' and 'snake' confused. Yeah, I'm a weird little fuck. I snatched a plate out of the cabinet for my piece of triple chocolate cake.

"How was school babe?" I heard a dark, husky voice ask from behind me.

I dropped the plate and it landed with a loud crash of some sort. I whirled around, shrieking, and saw Joshua leaning on the thingy in that's in the middle of the kitchen. I think its called an island.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I screamed at him. I swear, boys can be such idiots!

"What the hell is your problem? Ya know, I'll never get used to you cursing."

"Just shut up." I looked down and saw that my foot was scratched. Joshua looked down at where I was looking and his smirk disappeared.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Don't move. I clean this up." He said in a hurry.

"Josh, you don't have to..." He cut me off.

"No. I want to." He grabbed the dust pan and one of those small hand-held brooms. He had cleaned it all up in less than five minutes, making sure to pick up all the little pieces of broken glass and the dust. He lifted me up bridal style up to my room.

"I'll go get the first aid kit. Hold on a sec..." He went into the closet and got out the mini read suitcase with the giant white cross. He got the gauze and disinfectant spray.

"Sorry if this stings a little." Joshua sprayed the spray and I had to bite my lip and grip the sheets, very hard if I must say, to hold in my scream. He looked very pained to see me like this. He wrapped the gauze around my foot.

"Thanks." I said. I layed down, something I seem to be doing a lot lately. He climbed on top of me.

"Are you ok?" Wow, He's more concerned than I thought he'd ever be.

"Yeah. Its just a little cut. Nothing big." I shrugged lightly.

"Good." He smiled a genuine smile. I weaved my fingers through his spiked, black hair.

"I never got a feel better kiss like mommy used to give me." I said innocently. My heart pangs a little at the word "mommy". My mom was hardly ever around. And soon enough, my dad ran off, too.

'Oh. Sorry." He leaned down and gave me a soft little kiss.

He pulled away to early for my liking.

"What was that?" I asked a little agitated. He hasn't kissed me in like...three days! So I'm gonna need some type of sexual satisfaction.

"Just a little teaser."

"But I want more." I dragged out the 'o' and the 'r'.

"Remember? I'm your baby girl. You'd do anything for me, right?" I gave my best puppy dog face. Please work, please work...

"I can't say no to that. Fine." He leaned down again and I closed my eyes, ready for the familiar sensation if his baby soft lips. But then I felt hot breath on my ear.

"You really didn't think I'd fall for that, did you?" He kissed my cheek and got off of me.

"See ya later hun." He winked and walked downstairs, out the front door.

I layed there stunned... Did that really just happen?

I am not, by any means, letting him get away with this treatment.

Fixing A Broken RelationshipHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin