Chapter fifty two

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||Mercy's POV||

We are all at the house today, with the night that I had last night, I'd rather stay here anyways.

I get a call

"Hello?" I ask
"Hey baby girl" ally says
"Hey mum" I sigh
"What's wrong?"
"He. He keeps getting in my head and he won't leave"
"Me and your mom will be there soon okay?" She says
"How long?" I ask
"Two days" she says
"Okay, well tell mom I love her"
"Will do. Love you"
"Love you too" I say as she hangs up.

Camila walks down and sits right next to me smiling

"Well hello there sunshine" I move my body to face her
"Hi" she smiles
"What's got you all cheery?" I ask
"Oh nothing..." She smirks
"Okay? Does Lauren know about this 'nothing'?" I ask
"Yes, Lolo does know" she smiles
"When will I get to know this 'nothing'?"
"Soon" she smiles

She hugs me

"I love you mercy"
"I love you too Camz" I smile.

"Babe!" Lauren calls
"Yes?!" I call back getting up from the couch leaving Camila there with her goofy grin.

"Come into our room" she says

I walk up the stairs and turn down the hall way to see Lauren in our room with a box?

"What's with the box?" I ask walking in
"I thought me and Camz should get you something for you to take your mind off things" Lauren shrugs

I walk up to her and see what's in the box, it's a pure black kitten with the prettiest blue eyes, looking up at me and makes a little 'mew' sound, I'm in love.

"A KITTEN!!" I squeal picking it up and holding it.
"You like it?" Camz asks
"Of course I do, why wouldn't I??" I smile

Lauren smiles at me.

"What are you gonna name it?" Camz asks
"Mhm" I say looking at the fur ball in my arms
"Shadow" I smile
"Shadow. I like it" Lauren smiles

We all pile into the living room with shadow passed out on my lap while me and Lolo are cuddling and Camila is making pancakes for everyone that is gonna be here soon.

Then all I hear is a knock.

"I got it" Lauren gets up to see who's here

Scott, ally, and norminah walk in greeting Lauren and Camz.

"Hey mercy" ally smiles
"Hey ally"
"YOU GOT A KITTEN!" Dinah squeals at shadow
"What is its name?" Normani asks
"Shadow" I smile
"Aw that's cute, but not as cute as ally" Scott smirks as ally playfully hits his arm
"Gender?" Scott adds
"Boy" I smile
"You have to get it neutered then" Normani says
"I know, poor little guy gonna loose his man hood" I say kissing shadow's head
"Adorable" Scott adds
"Why thank you Scott she is quite adorable, the most I would say" Lauren says looking at me smiling.

She leans down and pecks me on the lips before I pull away

"Not in front of our son Lauren" I say playfully.
"Well he can deal with it baby" she says
"Okay" I smile
"Whipped" Dinah smirks
"Dinah stop" Normani adds
"Okay baby"
"Look who's talking" I smile

Dinah just pouts.

We all eat our pancakes and talk about nothing and everything at the same time.

We just sit there enjoying each others company, our first time hanging out like this in a while.


All I hear is a knock.

"Mercy upstairs" Lauren commands I grab shadow and run up the stairs.

Camz comes in and locks the door telling me to hide in the closet and to leave shadow on the bed with her while she pretends to sleep.

Lauren sitting on the steps pretending to be on her laptop while in reality protecting me and Camz from God know what.

Norminah, ally, and Scott are downstairs. I'm guessing Scott answers the door.

"Please be quiet mercy, we don't want to loose you" Camz whispers to me while I cower in the closet scared of what happens next.

||Lauren's POV||

I sit on the stairs prepared for what's next. All I saw was a very tall man outside.

I panicked.

Scott opens the door

"Um yes?" He says

He pushes Scott aside

"Hey! You can't do that!" Scott yells at the man.
"I can do what I want, I'm assuming you're gay too?" He says
"No, I'm happily with my girlfriend, may I ask you what the hell you think you are doing?"
"Hmh, where is my daughter?" He says
"Mercy" he says
"She is with her mom, Lauren did it to protect her" Scott says
"Well where's Lauren? I would like to have a word, maybe a punch" he shrugs
"Out" Scott grits his teeth.
"Tell Me" he pins Scott against a wall

Dinah grabs him and throws him aside to help Scott

"What the fuck?" Mercy's dad spits
"Don't touch my friends" Dinah growls
"What are you gonna do?" He says

Dinah throws a punch to his face

"That" she smirks

He reaches his fist up to punch back but before I could think I'm on my feet stoping his punch by grabbing his wrist.

"Don't you fucking dare touch anyone" I growl
"What are you gonna do, Lauren?" He smiles
"Exactly, where is my daughter"
"She is gone" I grit my teeth
"Well then, I guess we will do this the hard way" he smiles

He grabs my wrist and twists

Dinah pushes him back

"You really think you can take us all on?" She asks
"Yes" he smirks pulling out a knife

He holds it to my throat, and presses gently



Hai don't be mad I love you all.

But I had too.




Four years of them Making me happy.

Four years ago today I saw my wife for the first time, Lauren Jauregui lmao 😂❤️

So yeh BAIII

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