Chapter Twenty three

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I wake up without Lauren.

"Lo?" I call out into her flat

I get up in what I was wearing yesterday. She's sitting On Her couch with her head in her hands.

"Lo? Are you okay"

No response.

"Lo please answer me"
"I'm not okay" she sighs
"What's wrong" I sit next to her
"I hate that question" she admits
"Okay same, but talk to me" I say

She sighs

"I just don't know. One of those days I guess" she says
"Hey. Let's not make it one of those days and let's go somewhere. A restaurant maybe?" I ask
"Is this you asking me on a date?" She smiles
"Possibly" I look around to hide my happiness.
"Well then I guess this is me saying yes" she smiles

I kiss her on the cheek. She blushes

"Awh Lo. You're blushing"
"Shut up" she rolls her eyes
"You are too" she adds on
"So where too?" She asks
"Anywhere will be fine as long as I'm with you" I smile
"Wow that was so cheesy" she laughs
"Why do you think I said it babe?" I smile

She smiles at me

"God" I say looking her up and down
"What?" She asks
"Even without makeup your still the most beautiful person i have ever met" I say mesmerized
"Sorry babe, I'm not a mirror" she giggles
"Oh my lord lo. You are so amazing" I say laying my head on her shoulder
"So are you" she says turning her head to see me.


We go to the restaurant And step out of the car

"Lauren!" A man yells
"Shit"  Lauren says under her breath
"Lauren! Mercy! Over here! Tell us how you met! Come on!" The man yells

Lauren grabs my hand and runs into the restaurant. Me and her laughing.

"Oh Uhm a table for too" Lauren says smiling
"Right this way Lauren" he winks
"Does he know you?" I ask
"Yes" she sighs
"Oh?" I say
"He was mine and my exes waiter" she rolled her eyes
"Okay" I say

I'm not even gonna try to ask if rather not bring up the past. We sit down

"So first date lo" I smile at her
"Yep" she smiles

I poke her nose

"Stahp" she smiles
"Never" I smirk
"Oh my lord mercy you are just amazing" she says
"So are you Babe" I wink

The waiter comes back and is smirking.

"So where's ca-"
"Shut up sir it's obviously over between me and her so could you please mind your own business and actually be a waiter for once?" She snaps at the man
"Uh yes, ma'am" he avoided eyes contact
We order our food and he leaves

"Lo are you okay?" I ask
"Yes I'm fine" she smiles at me grabbing my hand

I look down and smile at her rubbing my hand and drawing circles in my hand. I love it when girls do that.

"Uhm, I have your food" he says
"Thank you" I say to him
"You're welcome" he smiles

I look back at Lauren and she lets go of my hand to eat.

"Yeah?" She says
"You're beautiful" I smile

She blushes

"That was out of no where" she smiles
"Exactly" I smile

She smiles and continues to eat.


We are finally done eating.

"So where to?" Lauren asks
"The park" I smile
"Cheesy" she says
"Of course I am" I smile at her

We drive to the park after countless songs on the radio that we practically screamed. I get out and Lauren grabs my hand right away and intertwines our fingers

"Someone's eager" I smile
"Only for you babe" she winks

I look at her and kiss her on the cheek. We sit down on the bench and admire the scenery. The way the water sways with the wind. And how green the grass is because it's nearly summer. The way the trees are finally regaining there leafs. Everything is just so beautiful. Especially Lauren. The way her hair moves over her right ear to look at me when i talk. Or the way she covers her mouth with her left hand when she laughs really loud. Or when she giggles she avoids any eye contact with people she doesn't seem comfy around. God I love her

"What?" Lauren asks noticing that I was staring
"Just admiring my girlfriend" I smile
"Awh you dork"
"Yep that's me" I smile

I look over at her and just smile because she was already looking at me. She leans in. And I don't pull away. Our lips meet. All the butterflies in my stomach are going insane. I lean in more to get a little more comfy She leans in more as well This is amazing. She pulls away first

"God mercy where did you learn that?" She smirks
"Practice I guess" I wink
"Let's go home babe" she smiles

We leave the park hand and hand. Me and Lauren just had our first kiss. I'm going insane. This is great. Lauren kissed me. I kissed her.

"Selfie" i say

Me and Lauren both pose. Her kissing my cheek was the picture.

Lauren fans goes crazy with a Mo jauregui pic as Dinah would say.

This has been the best date ever.

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