Chapter sixteen

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||Ally's POV||

Id rather not wake the kid at the moment. She is asleep in her room I decided to carry her to her room because last time she woke up out here she said to carry her next time so I did. I need to ask her what happened when she talked to steph yesterday. Steph left with tears in her eyes. I really want to know what happened. she explained it to me before she did to mercy, I guess it didn't go so well.
I feel bad for the kid, Steph. She was madly in love with mercy, and I could see it. Mercy just doesn't understand that yet, but she will one day.

"babe whats wrong?" stevie asks
"nothing just stressed, Poor Steph I need to make mercy see that she is madly in love with her as she says" I tell her
"it will take time, mercy is hurt, she has been through a lot. I'm surprised that she even trusts us" Stevie admits
"yeah I know but each day she doesn't talk to steph the more she moves on" I say rubbing the back of my neck
"You have to let things take course" Stevie says

I then see my beautiful baby girl walk out.

"good morning mum and mom" she smiles
"good morning baby girl" i say
"good morning baby" stevie says

she just has that bright smile on her face. she is happy today. Very happy and that's a step closer each day to being happy all the time.

"mum, Why did you actually let her in?" Mercy asks
i sigh
"she explained everything to all of us, I was furious before I let her explain. Then I understood because the same thing happened to stevie" I explain
"oh okay" she says

I get up and hug her, y'know this family is just full of hugs and affection which I love don't get me wrong.

"I love you so much baby girl" i say
"I love you too mum, i'm sorry for all my problems" she says
"don't be sorry for them they make you the strong beautiful person you are becoming" I say
"i-i know i'm sorry" she says
"don't be okay?" i say
"okay" she says

I'm lucky to have her and stevie. They are my whole life, I would die for them. I had my own problems as a kid and all I had was my idols, But mercy has us, she just needs to see that.


i'm so sorry for not updating and the boring chapter i have had testing and all that jazz so yeah and also keep up because next week i'm going to update a lot i have plans guys i promise.

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