Chapter two

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||Mercy's POV||

Stevie Boebi tweeted:

@mercy-potato hey stay strong Hun

Mercy Paul replied

I'll try atm I feel like shit...

Stevie tweeted

@mercy-potato dm me

How am I supposed to dm her when she isn't even following me.

Stevie boebi & Ally Hills have followed you!

Well then I guess this is cool I should probably dm Stevie.

In dms

Mercy ~

Stevie ~
Hey, I need you to stay strong and go to school okay?

Mercy- but why I have no purpose in this stupid world

Stevie- don't let me ever hear you talk like that again. Everyone has there purpose in this world yours is very special and I can tell that you will do great things and great things are coming your way.

Mercy- you sound like a fortune cookie but that was really sweet <3

Stevie- anytime you can dm me or ally we will respond no matter what <3

Mercy- why are you being so nice to me? I'm just a fucked up kid.

Stevie- what did I say?

Mercy- for me not to say bad things about myself.

Stevie- yes now please don't it hurts and I care for you, you're not fucked up.

Mercy- thanks time to go to hell :)

Stevie- what do you mean?

Mercy- school :( the place where I get bruises and cuts and I bleed and cry! Joy!

Stevie- what the fuck! They let that shit happen?!

Mercy- yeah

Stevie- don't worry you'll be out of there soon :)

Mercy- what do you mean?

Stevie- I've said too much gtg bai <3

That was weird...I wonder what Stevie means.I get to school and hurry to my locker so I don't have-
I get shoved into my locker

"Get out of my way fag!" Steven says laughing to his friends

I roll my eyes and walk away I'm bleeding from the arm.
It sucks so fucking much this stupid ass school. I go to math class and sit down. The tardy bell rings and the teacher close the door. We start and we are about halfway through the lesson until...There's a knock at the door.

"Come in," the teacher says

All I see is ally and Stevie walk through the door. Oh my god. Stevie and ally are here my first thing to do is to hug them so I get up from my desk and run to them and hug them and cry...I hate crying but I feel this was the right time.

"Get your stuff sweetie you are no longer in this school" ally says
"Wait what!?" I say
"You're leaving this he- stupid place I'll explain later grab your things," Stevie says
"Ok," I say right away

I grab all my things and say goodbye to the teacher (my only friend) Stevie and Ally check me out the best day of my life well they check me out of school forever, at least that one. My life is finally turning around I'm in a car with Ally hills and Stevie boebi.

"So I see you can't wipe the smile from your face" ally says
"I mean yeah you guys just checked me out I mean I'm talking to my idols the ones that helped me when I'm sad," I say
"Yeah you're gonna be staying with us until you well Erm 18," Stevie says
"Wait you're my new? Wait oh my god!" I stutter out
"Yep and we will take care of you and accept you no matter what," ally says
"So I'm moving to L.A!" I say
"Yep and you're gonna have a new phone we are not buying your love we just want you to have a phone because well Erm so you can talk to us" Stevie stutters out

Ally has a laughing fit

"We are so buying your love" ally jokingly says

This is the best day of my life.

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