Chapter forty five

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I hear sirens, screams.

I'm on the floor.

I look down.


Why is there blood on my, oh my god.

I've I've been shot.

I try to stay calm.

I look to my left. Ally is in the floor not moving.



||Lauren's POV||

Mercy opened her eyes and look panicked I tried to get to her but thwy wouldn't let me.

She-she's not breathing!

"Let me see my girlfriend now!"
"Lady you need to wait"
"No now! She's not breathing!"
"We need to secure everyone"
"Fuck that!"

I run past him and to her.

Ally isn't breathing but Stevie has a wound.

What do I do?

I give mercy mouth to mouth and her breath gets caught in her throat.

I move on to ally. I really don't wanna do this but it's to save her.

A paramedic shoves me out of the way.

They give her mouth to mouth.

A little relieved.

I look at mercy and she's looking at me. A sad smile.

"Don't give up baby"
"If, if I go. I go." She whispers barely able to speak.
"Baby please don't give up" the tears building up in my eyes already.
"I I love you baby Girl" she says
Her eyes close

"No! I need a fucking Doctor please!"

Someone rushes to me and grabs her and ally and put them on separate stretches.

I ride with the ambulance to the hospital.

I haven't seen the other girls in a while.

It scares me.


It's been a day.

I'm so pissed.

"I need to see my girlfriend" I plead at the desk
"Okay I'm not supposed to do this but you can but only for a short time" the man smiles
"Thank you so much"

I run to her room and see her lying in the hospital bed. It breaks my heart. She looks so, so, so lifeless.

I lay a kiss on her forehead

"Don't give up baby, please" I whisper
"I promise that I'll visit everyday, as long as you promise to keep fighting for me" I say

I grab her hand.

"Please show me something"

Then I feel a squeeze in my hand. A weak squeeze. But it's still something.

"Baby, please don't give up" I plead.

She squeezes again.

I kiss her forehead.

"I'll be back" I whisper.

I leave the room before I get caught.

I ask the girl at the front desk where Stevie boebi and Ally hills are.

"They are in room 312" she smiles nodding towards the direction of their room.

I nod and send her a smile.

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