Chapter thirty (day two of ten)

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I wake up looking over at the beautiful woman I call mine.

I lean in and play a kiss on her cheek

She flutters her eyes open. God that killed me

"Good morning beautiful" I smile down at her
"Good morning" Lauren yawns
"How are we gonna wake
Up camz?" I ask
"Follow my lead" she smirks

She gets out of bed and tip toes over to Camila's bed. I follow.

She jumps on the bed. So do I

"Wake up camz!" We yell in unison

Her eyes shoot open and me and Lauren can't help but to bust out in laughter.

"You guys suck dick" she mumbles
"Actually we don't you see were gay camz" Lauren laughs
"Wow" she rolls her eyes
"Sorry This isn't bed in breaks fast queen Camila" I giggle
"Maybe that would be good next time" she finally gives into the jokes
"Yay!" I hug her
She hugs back

We all get ready.

I go to the room across the hall and knock on it

"Hello" my mum slurs
"You okay mum?" I ask
"Yes just tired have Lauren to take you to wherever she wants we'll be out and about tomorrow have fun mercy" she smiles and closes the door


"Hey Lolo here's the keys take us wherever" I smile
"Camz you gonna come?" Lauren asks
"Nah I'll stay here I gotta do some work. I'll join later or something" she smiles
"Okay text us if you need anything" I say
"Okay see you later" she says
"See you later" Lauren smiles

We get in the car and sing to 5sos as usual.

I look out the widow and notice all the feature of nature. Like how the flowers are starting to bloom because it's April. So spring. An trees are regaining there leafs. And a little kid upset about something.

I love witnessing life. Even when I'm at my worst there's nothing better then looking closely at something or someone's features.

Like Lauren. The way when we are somewhere warm or hit her freckles show because of the sun. Or the way her eyes shine when she wears certain things. The way she moves just to listen closely to what I'm saying. How sweet and protective she is towards me. Everything. Is just amazing

"Babe?" Lauren sash
"Uh yeah?" I say
"You okay? You zoned out" she says
"Yeah just thinking about my beautiful girlfriend that's all" I smile at her
"Dork" she smiles
"Only yours babe, only yours" I say
"Wow cheesy alert" she laughs
"Yup I'm just full of cheesy ness" I smile

We drive to this really cool pizza place and sit down at a table for two.

We order pepperoni cause. Well it's good okay?

The waiter comes and notices Lauren

"Wait oh my god! You're Lauren jauregui, you're so beautiful and-"
"Mine" I smile cutting him off

He gives us a questioning look and scoffs

"Wow Lauren that low" he laughs
"And why is that?" Lauren asks through gritted teeth
"She's eh and you're damn" he smirks
"Say that again buddy I fucking dare you" she glares at him
"Babe calum down okay? He's just a stupid fucking perv and it's okay what he says. I'm here you're there. No ones else opinions should matter but mine and yours. Let just enjoy our food and time together" I smile
"Okay" she breaths smiling back at me
"You're so hot" she adds on
"Lauren stahp" I smile
"I'm afraid I can't do that mercy" she giggles

The waiter is still standing there with a gross look on his face

"Our food?" I ask
"Oh-uh yeah be right back" he rolls his eyes
"Dick" Lauren mumbles

I just laugh at what she says and we enjoy our food and head back to the hotel.

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