Chapter six

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||Ally's POV||


"Stevie there is this kid on Twitter who is gay and getting kicked out! There only fourteen! We need to help them!" I say nearly crying
"Ally are you sure we can take this responsibility?" Stevie asks
"Yes I am ready are you?" I ask
"Yes ally i'm ready" Stevie says

I jump for joy because we are going to adopt a kid! And they're gay! Dream come true

Mercy Paul tweeted

hey guys this is sad but my own parents kicked me out and this will be turned off by next month.

Ally hills Retweeted

hey kid stay strong <3 me and Stevie will be there soon btw how old are you?

I hope she is okay with us coming..

Mercy Paul retweeted

Im fourteen and
Wait what do you guys mean you will be here soon?

Ally hills retweeted

You will see kid :)

My heart is racing I hope she understands what I mean.

"Stevie I love you so much" I say
"I love you too ally I just hope you are sure your ready.." Stevie says
"I am and I never will be more ready" I say confident

I really am ready I can't wait


After they pick up mercy

Wow this girl is so beautiful, She has brown eyes brown hair a SnapBack on and a low cut and a pair of black skinnies on and has her bags with her. We have a casual conversation I just can't help but smile I am so happy. We have a kid named mercy and she is gay and we love her no matter what.

End of flashback

Man I can't help to smile every time that plays in my head mercy pulled the mums card and my heart beat out of my chest Stevie was worried about me but I was just really happy that she called us mums. I can tell Stevie was happy too. Mercy is ours and ours forever. We are her mums. We will always accept her and let her stay here whenever she needs to when she is older. She is my baby girl.

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