Chapter Twenty-One ~ She's Actually Moved On.

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Harry's POV

I did it. I actually did it. I'm in Florida.

Now that's one thing I can check off my to-do-list. Now all I have to do is find Emily. She's got to be around here somewhere.

I glance at my phone to check the time. I have 5 hours until midnight. 5 hours. My heart starts to race with excitement. It's even more of a challenge now that I'm on crutches and I'm alone. There's no one to protect me from unsuspecting fangirls that could be around the corner. For the firsts time in my life I feel free.

I hop around the corner of my crutches, my arms aching uncomfortably and my eyes widen at what I see. There's about 15 girls all crowded around in some sort of group. Holy crap, what am I going to do? I know it's new years but can't everyone just stay at home this year, it would be so much easier to find my girlfriend if they did.

I flick my hood up over my head and make sure that it covers as much of my curls as it can. I don't need to be seen here. Management will go crazy if they found out I flew here without permission. Plus, they'd probably fire Jeremy, our private jet pilot. But, of course, my plan doesn't work and I'm spotted by one of the girls before I can even turn around and hobble the other way. Not wanting to be rude and come across horrible I smile as politely as I can as the girls clad in tight dresses and stiletto heels gather around me, squealing for photographs and autographs.

This is going to be a long night.



Emily-Elizabeth's POV

I take sip of my vodka and coke, staring out across the party. Despite Maria, Rachel and Layla's attempts to cheer me up, this party is just making me feel worse.

I glance around at all the happy couples, dancing and kissing away into the night while I'm stood here as lonely as ever.

I've kept my phone off and in my purse. I don't need to be talking with anyone that's not going to get off of the subject of Harry, which means everyone at present. So I'm avoiding talking to anyone that will mention it, which is basically everyone in my phone. The girls know not to say anything and I think they've warned the others in our friendship circle too. They want me to enjoy the night like I had planned to, but all I want to do is crawl back into my bed and cry.

"Great party, eh?" Oscar shouts over the music and I turn to see him. He wiggles his eyebrows up and down making me smile. "There it is," he adds poking me in the stomach with his index fingers to which I squirm and bat his hands away lightly.

Oscar is one of our other friends. He's an amazing singing and very popular with the ladies. Although I haven't seen him with one tonight. Which is odd.

"This is your party," I shout back to him and he grins. "Of course it's amazing." Even though I just can't let go and have fun, it seems that everyone else seems to be and the party is unfolding to be one of the best for a while. I'm making sure to stay clear of the Tequila tonight though. I don't need another episode of that, no matter how much fun anyone deems it to be.

"Dance with me," Oscar pleads gripping hold of my hands and pulling me towards the mass of people crowded in the middle of the room. I'm slight shocked at his offer and shake my head. Oscar sticks out his bottom lip and gives me the best puppy dog eyes he can muster. "Please? Pwetty, pwetty pwease with a cherry on top?"

"Fine," I sigh, though the music is loud and he could probably only see me mouth my answer. He flashes me a grin and drags me to the dance floor. It's no big deal, right? It's a fast song anyway so it's not like we have to get close- And then a slow song comes on.

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