Chapter Seven - A Birthday Party

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Emily-Elizabeth's POV

"Come on, girls," Tom calls up the stairs for us. "The taxi's arrived, it's time to go."

"We'll be down now," Nessa yells back before continuing to apply her eye make-up. It's finally the time where we all of have the day off and tonight we're all heading for the clubs. It's Ashlee's birthday, so because she's Tom's sister we're planning on stopping by at her party for a few hours before going out on the town. "Hopefully, there'll be some of Ashlee's gorgeous guy friends there," Nessa turns to me and says making me roll my eyes. "You might roll your eyes, but you might find someone that will take your mind off of Harry."

"Ness, I'm not having a rebound," I hiss at her as I slip my feet into my red high heels. I've decided on wearing a white dress that cuts off mid thigh with lace around the neck and lace sleeves with red high heels and a small red clutch to keep my mobile and some money in. I've tried to go for a look that is quite classy as we're going to an 18th birthday party, but Nessa has gone all out in looking sexy for the clubbing afterwards.

She's clad in a tight, silver, sequined dress that she'll never be able to bend over in without showing her pants to everyone, with velvet, black high heels and a small, black bag she bought when we went to Spain last year. Her dark hair is curled and falls down her back to the top of her waist and her make-up is dark and sensual. I, on the other hand, have put as little make-up on as I can because I know that if I put as much as Nessa has on, it'll be running down my face by the end of the night.

"Girls, he's not going to wait any longer," Tom shouts to us again and Nessa sighs, screwing the top of the mascara back onto the bottle. They're both staying over at mine tonight as neither of them will be able to get home when the night is through.

Nessa slides her petite feet into her black heels, grabs her purse and heads for the door, me trailing behind her. I glance at myself in the mirror and make sure that my hair is still curly like I want it, which it is.

"Finally," Tom exclaims as we carefully make our way down the stairs which is a very difficult thing to do in heels like these. "Let's get going. I can't be late for my own sister's birthday party," he grumbles before heading out of the door. We follow behind him with a giggle. He always gets frustrated when we're late for something. He makes the joke that we'd be late for our own funeral when he's in the mood to. But tonight, it looks like he's not in the best of moods. I'll leave it to Nessa to get a few drinks down him and loosen him up a bit, take away the stress.

The taxi ride isn't long and we split the price before heading into the hotel. Tom's parents are quite wealthy, so they're able to book a room in the hotel to hold Ashlee's party.

You might be wondering why Tom's working in a coffee shop if his parents can afford anything. The truth is, him and his parents don't have the best relationship. That's why he moved out as soon as he turned 18 and got himself a job with Nessa and I. He wants to be able to look after himself. He doesn't want to have to rely on his parents money. He wants to earn his own living and make his own way in the world without their help, which I think is pretty brave of him.

Ashlee, on the other hand, bathes in her family's cash. She has the latest style clothes, the most expensive jewellery and perfumes, the flashiest cars and the most pricey shoes. She's your typical dippy blonde, basically.

"Emily," she shouts over the loud music as we enter the large room with the faint scent of alcohol hanging in the air. I catch sight of Ashlee running towards us. Well, I say 'running'. It's actually more like hobbling over to us in her extremely high heels. "Tom, Nessa, I'm so glad that you made it." She's wearing a silver tiara in her perfectly straightened hair and a pink sash that reads 'Birthday Girl'.

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