Chapter Four - Yeah? Well you deserved it.

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Harry's POV

There she is. Stood right in front of me and she doesn't know it's me. Do I say something? Do I speak out and risk looking like an idiot dressed like this?

I continue to stare at her, speechless. The other boys can't believe she's here either as they look between us. Nobody's saying anything and she looks uncomfortable in our presence.

"Hello, Emily-Elizabeth," Louis says and at first I think that he's approaching her as himself but then I realise his voice change and notice that he's sticking to character, obviously thinking that it'll be easier for me to get out of this that way. "You may take our order," he adds gesturing to Liam to go first. I make a quick eye contact with him and he nods slightly. Liam orders, Zayn orders, Niall orders and then Louis orders all in character and not breaking it once which kind of makes me nervous. I had been with Emily for a year and half before we split up, if I break character at any point she's going to know it's me.

"I-I-I'll just have a chocolate muffin, please?" I stutter in character pushing my glasses further up my nose. This gets me a cute little grin in my direction and I can tell that she's got an eye for Marcel already.

"Thank you, I'll be back with your orders," she tells us not taking her eyes off of me. Something flashes over her face and at first I'm worried that she's getting suspicious but then I sniffle and wave awkwardly at her making sure to stick to my nerdy, awkward act that goes with the costume. She giggles and turns around and once she's disappeared into the back room I let out a sigh of relief.

"I had no idea she would be here," Niall whispers now out of character. "I never wouldn't have suggested coming here if I knew." We all nod in agreement.

"I never knew she worked here, either," I admit and a pang of guilt hits my heart. Did she work here while we were going out? Was I that oblivious to her that I didn't even know her job? The boys must of noticed my change of mood as I thought about this as they stay quiet and look around the coffee house. It is nice here I have to admit. I've never been here before, but I guess Niall knows his way around the places that sell food.

After a few moments, Emily reappears with the tray full of out orders and sets them down on the table in front of us, voicing what each one his so that we can know that she's gotten it right or wrong. We thank her politely and she gives one look in my direction before turning around and leaving us be.

You have no idea how hard it was to stop myself from reaching out to her and stopping her from walking away from me again. Every time I see the back of her it just reminds me of when she left me the first time, and that hurts so bad.

I watch her for a few more seconds before cursing under my breath and turning back to my chocolate muffin that I don't really want but ordered it anyway under pressure. Everyone was digging into their order and I notice that we're the only ones in here.

Emily-Elizabeth's POV

The nerdy one is cute, I'm not going to lie. I can't help but watch him as I count the money in the till. Our night time service is coming to an end so I have to count the money, bag it up and put it in the safe before I leave. The way he moves is just so delicate and graceful and he just reminds me of someone and I can't put my finger on it. Someone that I used to know. The others remind me of people as well, which is weird because they're all pretty strange in their own ways. The woman kind of reminds me of a man and I don't feel back in saying that which is odd.

"20, 40, 60, 80, a pound," I whisper to myself as I count the 20p's into piles of 5. I glance up once more to see that the nerdy one is watching me and I flash a smile in his direction which he returns before turning back to the group. I can't help but notice that he hasn't touched his muffin. "20, 40, 60, 80, a pound," I whisper again placing the next 5 coins next to the other five piles I've already made. Then guess what? I glance up again because I can't help myself and I find myself watching him this time, my eyes narrowed as I try to work out who he reminds me of.

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