Chapter Sixteen - And All These Little Things

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Emily-Elizabeth's POV

"Em, it's five days 'til Christmas," Maria calls to me making her way into the room with Rachel and Layla following her. "You'll never get a flight back into England." I continue to shove random things into my bag not listening to anything they have to say. I can't live another day without knowing Harry will be there when I need him to be. It's taken me so long to realize that he's everything that I need. I thought I could be without him, but I can't.

"I've lost him once," I say quietly, "I am not losing him again." They fall silent then and just watch me pack.

"I'll go get my car keys," Rachel smiles as she turns away from us and runs to her room to get her keys and her shoes on.

"We're coming too," Layla yells rushing out of the room and running to get changed out of their pajamas. I wasn't planning on going back to Britain for Christmas, I'd told dad that and he agreed. He thinks it would be better for me to have Christmas here and get used to it. I guess that's not going to happen. If I'm lucky enough to get a flight out there tonight, then I'm sure as hell never going to get one back here before Christmas.

The girls stroll back into my room, all of them now in clothes acceptable for leaving the flat. "We're ready if you are," Rachel grins waving her keys in front of her face. I chuckle, breathlessly. I haven't known these girls for long but I feel that I'm as close to them as I am with Tom and Nessa. Oh, I can't wait to see them and wish the Merry Christmas face to face. It'll be a huge bonus, as well as seeing Harry that is.

We race out of the apartment, Maria locking the door behind us while the rest of us run for the elevator. We're right on the top floor so the elevator sounded like the better choice. There's no way I'm running down all of those stairs. There's 35 floors in total and we're obviously on the 35th. Maria and Layla have been living in this apartment together for awhile, and Rachel and I are the new ones. Rachel and Layla both go to the same college I do, while Maria's studying at a beauty school about half an hour away. I guess that's why my hair has turned out so good.

I throw myself into the passenger's seat of Rachel's car and slam the door behind me. I've been thinking about getting driving lesson over here but I'm worried that once I've learned to drive over here that it'll be harder for me to drive on the other side of the road and the other side of the car back over in Britain. I think it's a thought for another day though.

"One of you is going to have to take my Drama coursework into Mr Gardeners office for me tomorrow if I do manage to get a flight out of here," I tell them suddenly realizing that I have work that has to be in by tomorrow morning and if I am able to get a flight back to London I won't be here to give it in. "Just tell them I'm sick or something. They won't question it because we live 45 minutes away," I add and Rachel nods from beside me, agreeing.

"I'll take it in," Layla calls from one of the back seats. "I've got work to be in tomorrow as well, so it can't hurt for me to take yours too." I turn around in my seat and smile a thankful smile her way.

"Thanks Layla," I say but it comes out as a whisper. Suddenly, I feel over-whelmed with what I'm about to do. Not only is it completely insane and hasn't been thought about probably, but I'm missing coursework and my education to do this. I'm not even considering that Harry might hate my guts now and want nothing to do with me anymore. Oh, wait. Now I'm thinking about that. What if he doesn't even want to see me anymore? Am I being to irrational about this? Is this a good idea?

Rachel pushes down on the brakes as she pulls up in front of the Airport where I will hopefully be getting on a plane soon. I swing open my door and step out of the car, ready to turn and thank the girls for their help. But then I see Maria climbing out of the car and joining me on the pavement, her own bag in hand.

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