Chapter Eleven - We Need To Talk...

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Emily-Elizabeth's POV

"Open it, kiddo, I'm dying here!" My dad exclaims as he throws me the envelope from the university/college in America. Dad got home last Friday and it's now Tuesday. It's great to have him home again, I don't really like being at home alone.

I slowly slide my thumb under the envelope seal with shaking fingers. If I get into this school I'll be moving to America, leaving London behind me. My friends, my job, my family...Harry. I tug the papers out of the envelope and throw it onto the table and unfolding the paperwork. I run my eyes over the words, reading what they have to say. I gasp loudly and drop the papers to the table and stepping away from them, covering my mouth with my hands. Tears in form in my eyes as my dad watches me with wide eyes. I can tell that he's too nervous to read it himself as he waits for answer from me.

"I got in," I whisper a tear of happiness escaping my eye. Dad's mouth drops open as he raises his hands in surprise.

"You got in?"

"I got in!"

He runs at me lifting me up into a hug and squeezing me tightly. "I'm so proud of you, kiddo. I'm so, bloody proud of you!" I chuckle through my happy tears and squeeze him back.

"Thank you, daddy," I smile burying my face into his t-shirt.


"You got in?!" Nessa shrieks down the phone.

"I got in!" I scream back jumping up and down and doing a happy dance while my dad watches from the kitchen table, laughing. Nessa starts to scream, loudly, with excitement and I do the same, dad covering his ears and running from the room.

"I can't believe you did it, Em," I hear Tom's voice say as he snatches the phone off of Nessa. "We're so happy for you!" There's a rustling as Nessa snatches the phone back.

"We're so proud of you, bestie!" She squeals. "We'll have to celebrate! Tom? Tom! Have you got any plans tonight?" I hear her ask Tom and I can hardly hear his muffled reply, but I guess he says he doesn't because Nessa says, "well, now you do! We're going to take Emily out for a nice meal to congratulate her. How does that sound to you, Em?"

"As long as you're paying," I tell her and she laughs.

"Of course Tom is, it'll be his treat," she chuckles.

"Hey!" I hear Tom cry in the background making us both laugh harder.

"How does Nandos sound?"

"Perfect," I say and then my mind wonders off onto thoughts of Marcel. Should I ring him and tell him about it? I haven't spoken to his since he came over and we watched that film, and that was last Wednesday. That was 6 days ago. Usually he would have talked to me since then, but he hasn't for some reason.

"Okay, see you then!" There's a beep as she hangs up on me, without even waiting for me to say goodbye.

I type Marcel's number into my phone, one that he'd hesitantly written down for me a while ago. This will be the first time I'm using it and the number isn't familiar to me. I press call and it goes straight to answer phone. Where are you Marcel?


Harry's POV

"You have to go tell her now," Louis says as he styles my hair into Marcel's quiff. "If you don't do it now, you never will. Just get it over and done with. You said so yourself; she's moving on. She's going on dates and trying to get on with her life. You should be doing that. You have a career to think of, the fans. You can't be doing this all the time," he places the glasses on my nose and straightens my bow tie.

"I don't think I can do this," I murmur, a sick feeling in my stomach. This is just going to make her hate me even more. This is just going to send me right back to the beginning. She's going to hate me again. She's going to fall straight out of love with me and right into that Tate's arms.

"If you can walk on stage and perform in front of thousands of people every week, then you can do this, okay?" He says with a serious look and I know he's right. If I don't man up and tell her now, then I'll never get a chance to and I'll be stuck as Marcel forever, digging myself an even deeper hole. "Where are you meeting her?"

"I rang her and told her to meet me in the park in 15 minutes," I tell him as I look at myself in the mirror.

"And that was how long ago?"

"10 minutes ago," I reply with a worried expression.

"Well, you better get a move on then."


Emily-Elizabeth's POV

Just after I'd tried to call Marcel, he'd called me himself, telling me to meet him at the park. I'm sat on one of the park benches, staring out over the lake and watching the ducks flap about in the water. It's chilly, the wind rippling the waters but with my big woollen coat on it doesn't really bother me.

This is where I tell Marcel that I'm leaving for America in a few days. I might not ever see him again, but at least he'll be able to give me directions to the best best food courts there, right? See, I'm trying to make a joke out of this situation but it never seems to work. Even though I'm going to miss dad, Nessa and Tom so much that it's actually physically going to hurt, I think it's going to be harder for me to leave Marcel behind.

He became my best friend in a few short days and now I'm leaving him. I just don't think it's going to be easy to say goodbye.

"E-Emily?" I hear his voice from behind me and I turn to look at him with a smile. I greet him and he sits on the bench beside me, fiddling with his fingers like he's nervous about something.

"Where've you been, Marcel? I've been-"

"Emily," he says my name again. But this time, his voice sounds different. "We need to talk."


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