Chapter Six - Getting Over Harry

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Emily-Elizabeth's POV

I scroll through my Twitter news feed desperately trying to ignore any tweets that involve the words 'Harry' and 'Styles'. I now regret following so many of One Direction's fans, my news feed is filled with fangirling tweets from over the top fans and it's starting to tick me off. I've already had apology tweets and sympathy tweets from everyone following mine and Harry's split and they annoyed me to no end.

Today, I'm on my own. Nessa and Tom are both working (I hope Nessa has recovered from the 'wild' party last night) and I'm enduring a well earned day off, which I would if gotten last night if Priya hadn't been a bitch and stitched me up.

Normally I would have called up Harry or maybe even one of the boys to see whether they were free or if I could tag along with them to one of their interviews or even a concert, but, unfortunately, that's no longer an option anymore.

I've realised that it's taken me less time than thought to get over Harry, even though I've still got feelings for him - of course I have - but I need to move on, it's the only way for me to carry on with my life. There's no point in pining after someone that I broke up with and someone that's not taken any interest in me for a quarter of the relationship and hasn't bothered to contact me in any way, shape or form over the past couple mouths. Not even a single apology about what happened. But I guess, Harry was never the apologising type it was always me that had to be the bigger person and say sorry even if I was right and he was wrong.

Thoughts of Harry are bumming me out. I shut down my laptop and close the lid with a sigh. Parts of me are glad that Harry hasn't gotten in touch, it's kind of soften the blow and made it easy to start forgetting slightly. But other parts wish that he'd gotten in touch, apologised and begged for me back, insisting that he's changed and he won't be like before and the he loves me. I know that's not going to happen of course, no matter how much I want it to.

I grab my phone from my bedside table and check the time. It's only lunch time and I'm beginning to feel a bit peckish, but I don't feel that secure in myself to go out to dinner on my own and I don't really want to cook at the moment. I could really do with a Nandos though...

The sound of Classic by MKTO broke my thought pattern and I realise that my phone is ringing in my hand. I smile at the thought of someone wanting to talk to me but then frown at the sight of an unknown number. If it's some guy trying to sell me something or someone with the wrong number my mood us going to worsen.

I press answer and hold my mobile to my ear. "Hellooo," I sing down the phone. I might as well sound happy, right?

"H-Hello? Emily?"

"Oh, Marcel! Hi, I'm glad that you called," I exclaim at the sound of the boys voice. I completely forgot that I'd met him last night and I'm happy that he's called. He must if called because he wants to hang out, right? There's no other reason why he'd call. "It's my day off, so I'm free if you are." I know I'm coming off a bit forward but I've now become starving and the thought of having a chicken wrap at Nandos is just eating away at me.

"I-I'm free," is all he says and I chuckle lightly at his tone. Bless him.

"Awesome," I breathe and I shove ny laptop off of my lap and climb off my bed. "Meet me by the big Nandos in the middle of town in about an hour, okay?"

"O-okay," he stutters and I chuckle again before hanging up. Finally, something to do today. It would be a bit sad if I spent my day off pigging out with the junk food in my kitchen when everyone else's day of consisted of going to cool party, I think I deserve some fun today.

I look at myself in the mirror and smile. My hair is actually doing what I want it to do and my skin isn't covered in any embarrassing blemishes that I would have to cake make-up all of my face to hide. The thing I have to change is my clothes as I'm wearing a pair of grey jogging bottoms and an over sized plain white tshirt.

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