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Although my past self seemed to be quite serious about not doing a sequel to 'Cute as a Button', and I quote "don't expect a sequel because there won't be one", I have now changed my mind.

I have been struggling with ideas for stories recently; although I have started many I am having trouble getting them to go anywhere.

The other day I came up with a new idea but since I had not been successful in continuing a story in a long while, I was sort of reluctant to begin writing it. However, my English teachers have always told me that if I ever get an idea I should write it down as you never know where that idea might get you. So I did.

Again, however, I was having a bit of bother coming up with new characters that were relatable and loveable and who I enjoyed to write about as well as you enjoyed to read about. Then at last, I remembered Emily-Elizabeth, Nessa, Tom and the One Direction lads.

So this is me saying that my past self, as funny and adorable as she was, is being disagreed with by my present self.

There will be a sequel to 'Cute as a Button', it might even become a trilogy I don't know yet. I am in the middle of writing it, parts should be up when I'm about half way into the storyline and it has a direction. I'm not sure how long that will be, but it won't be too long.

I just want to thank you all for the continued support of this story and the characters! It means so much to me that people out there are enjoying what I have written :)

Thank you!

- Mrs_JackFrost

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