Chapter Seventeen - I Need Emily

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Emily-Elizabeth's POV

"I'm starving," Maria exclaims as we exit Heathrow airport with a crowd of people following us. We haven't eaten since the meal on the plane and that had to be a good few hours ago now. "Are there any restaurants? Pubs? Coffee shops? Anywhere where we can get something to eat?" She stares at me with big, bug eyes and I giggle, sleepily.

"I know a Nandos that stays open 24 hours," I tell her as we continue to walk. "Let's get ourselves a cab and we can head down there."

"Oooh Nandos!" She cries clapping her hands together in delight. "I've always wanted to go there but I've never had the chance."

We quickly get ourselves a cab, making sure we have enough money to actually pay for it before getting in and giving the address to the driver, who then proceeded to mumble something about "bloody Americans" and we decided to get out and get another taxi.

"Some people are just so rude," Maria hisses as the taxi drives off down the road.

"You're in London now, girl," I reply with a smirk. "They don't get much nicer than that."

"What?" She whines her eyes tearing as she looks like she's about to cry. I roll my eyes and call up another cab with my hand. I grab her arm and pull her towards it.

"Come on."


Harry's POV

"You go on tour soon, don't you?" Jade asks me before she puts a forkful of lettuce into her mouth and starts to chew slowly. I nod with a smile as I cut through my steak. We've been in the middle of small talk for about half an hour now and we're getting nowhere. We know nothing more about each other than we did when the night began.

"Yeah, in a month, actually," I say not looking up from my plate full of food. "When do you and the others get back together?"

"Just after Christmas," she tells me. "We're going back into the studio to start recording our new album." I nod along like I'm interested and I just end up feeling bad. She's really nice girl and you have no idea how much I want to like her in a romantic way, even if it's just lust, but there's nothing there. No feelings. None. Zilch.

We finish our meal and the waitress comes over and asks us if we're having desert. I probably would of had one if Jade hadn't said no, so I've ended up just asking for the bill instead. This dinner didn't seem like much. A few times through the dinner though there have been a few flashes from cameras as the press take their story which will be in every online article and every newspaper/magazine by tomorrow morning. At least Management will be happy.

"I'm just going to head to the toilet," Jade says as she gets to her feet and waddles through the restaurant over to the bathrooms in her red high heels. As I watch her go I notice that she is a very beautiful woman and she probably deserves someone that's going to care for her, not someone who's only going out with her because he thought that she'd help get another girl out of his head.

I pay the bill and the Jade arrives so I get to my feet and put my leather jacket back on. "Thank you, Harry. It's been lovely," says Jade as we exit the restaurant and back out into the cold night. She shivers slightly, pulling her fluffy coat tighter around her and as I chill runs down my spine I do the same.

Suddenly, she stumbles in her heels and I move to catch her and as I do our lips touch. There's no sparks, no feelings and I know she feels it too, but for some reason, neither of us stop and then we're just kissing. Mouths moving clumsily against each others. Every second her lips are against mine, I just keep thinking:

I need Emily.

Emily-Elizabeth's POV

"Oh, my God," Maria breathes as she takes a huge bite out of her burger. "Nandos is the best place ever!" I giggle as I bite into a chip. I can't help but feel weird. The last time I was here I was with Marcel/Harry. It just feels like such a long time ago. It feels nice to be back in Britain, even though it's considerably colder and Maria's feeling it a lot worse than I am. She was shivering none stop in the taxi, her teeth chattering and body shaking. I had to ask the driver to put the heating up to full blast.

"The food here is awesome," I say frowning my eyebrows at her as I watch her tuck into her meal. "You'd get on really well with Niall," I mumble under my breath and I didn't mean for her to hear it but she did, her head snapping her from her plate with wide eyes.

"You really think so?" She asks with her mouth full making me wrinkle up my nose and let out laugh. Niall always does that and I've had to tell him off for it millions of times. They're perfect for each other. Other than the fact that they live hours away, but I'm sure they can get through that, right?

"I know so," I say. "You're practically one person."


Once we've finished we split the bill between us before heading back out into the cold. "Oh, wait!" Maria calls after me and I turn to see her jigging up and down in her place. "I have to go pee! You go see if you can call a cab, I'll be two seconds." She turns on her heels and runs back into the restaurant to the bathrooms. I chuckle to myself before making my way down the road to where some cabs are lined up.

As I look from my feet to talk to a driver, something catches my eye from across the street. Well, not something, someone. My breath hitches in my throat as I see Harry kissing another girl opposite me. Tears form in my eyes as I realize that this trip here has been for nothing. He's off getting over me and I'm still stuck in the same place as I was a couple of months ago.

They pull away just as Maria turns up at my side. She asks me what's going on but all I can see is Harry. No one else exists at the moment. I hear Maria tell the driver where we're heading and she climbs in. I continue to stare at Harry and this mystery, blue haired girl, but then suddenly, our eyes lock. He sees me and his mouth drops open in shock.

"Emily," he shouts as loud as he can over the sound of traffic and the public moving past us. A tear escapes my eye and I wipe if away, suddenly full of anger. He pushes past the blue haired girl and tries to cross the street to get to me, but I duck into the cab and slam the door shut, quickly.

"Step on it, please," I say to the driver and he pulls out of his parking space, almost running Harry over in the process. The car gets stuck in traffic and it's not long before Harry catches up with us, knocking on Maria's window and saying something that I can't quite understand.

"Isn't that-?" Maria starts.

"Y-yes, it's him," I blurt out interrupting her sharply. "I'll explain once we get to my dad's, okay?" She nods and then falls silent.

The traffic disperses and the driver gains speed as we leave Harry behind shouting my name as loud as he can. So loud that I can just about hear him just before we turn the corner onto the main street. Once I know that he can't see me, I let myself go and I sob quietly into my hands. Even though Maria doesn't know what's going on, she wraps her arm around my shoulders and pulls me close, shushing me and telling me that everything will be alright.

I just hope that she's right.

(AN: I know I've totally messed up the time differences and everything but I don't care! I'll go through and edit bits when it's finished! Comment, vote and fan! Love you guys!)

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