Chapter Fifteen - So you're Harry's Georgia-Rose...

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Emily-Elizabeth's POV

It's been a month since I got to Florida and I'm really enjoying it. It's nice to have lovely weather nearly every day, and I'm able to wear shorts and t-shirts when I go out instead of wearing jeans and having to dress up warm just in case it rains.

I've thought of Harry a lot since that day, but I don't regret getting on the plane when I did. I wish I had said something more to him, something other than the limited number of words I used, but I can't so anything about that now.

I've kept up with Niall and Louis as they're closer to me than Liam and Zayn, but I do talk to both of them sometimes. I've even had a few glances of Harry's twitter just to make sure that he's okay. I've noticed the pictures of him and multiple different girls in different sexual scenarios, and it does hurt, but I hurt him just as much as he hurt me. Plus, he's single now and he can do what the hell he wants. I've kind of seen that he hasn't had a relationship since me, but I try to keep that out of my mind.

"Have you nearly done with your coursework?" Layla, one of my room mates, asks me as she comes into my room. Layla's welsh, so we've both come from the same place really. She has straw-berry blonde hair that always looks super soft and I'm so jealous of her. I nod to answer he question and put my pen back into my pencil case before gathering up my papers and placing them into my bag. "So you're ready to do this?" She pulls out a pair of kitchen scissors from behind my back and gulp loudly.

Layla, Rachel and Maria, my three room mates, have finally convinced me to cut my hair. I don't know what length they have in mind but I know it's gonna be short. I nod slowly and rise to my feet to follow her out of the door and into the bathroom at the end of the hall where Rach and Maria are waiting for me. They all watch me with wild grins as I take my seat in front of the mirror and close my eyes. I don't think I'll be able to watch them get rid of my long hair.

I've always had long hair, from when I was a young girl. My mum never liked to cut it because it's so thick and soft, so I never cut it too short. I always kept it mid way down my back and that's where it is now, before they're going to chop it all off.

"Okay here we go," Maria says and I can feel her taking a chunk of my hair in her hand and preparing to cut it. I squeal as I hear the snipping of the scissors as it cuts through my hair, which drops to floor slowly. It takes about half and hour to get my hair the same length and I don't open my eyes once. I guess I'm scared that it's going to look awful and I'm going to have to wear a hat cover it up.

"It's done," Rachel tells me. "You can open your eyes now." I cautiously, slowly start to open my eyes and take in my appearance. My mouth forms an 'O' when I see my new look. I reach up with both of my hands and run my fingers through my new haircut. My hair now falls just below my chin and it looks amazing.

"Guys, this looks awesome," I gasp and they all squeal and clap their hands.

"We're glad you like it," Layla admits. Her thick welsh accent to just makes me think she's adorable. It's hard for her in America though because hardly anyone can understand what she's saying to them.

"Thanks girls, I love it."


"Em, what you doing?" Rachel asks from beside me. We're sitting down and watching the TV for a bit. I'm not really interested on what's actually playing as I'm going through some of my insurance paperwork that I have to fill out to live over here.

"I'm just going over a few things," I say not really listening to her. Maria and Layla come into the living room, both dressed in their pajamas. We start college again tomorrow so we're having an early night to prepare us for studying tomorrow. Rachel leans over my shoulder and picks up one of the papers. "Hey," I cry and try to snatch it off of her, a smile clear on my face so that she knows that I'm just messing.

"'Georgia-Rose?'" She exclaims with wide eyes and Maria and Layla both exchange a glance before rushing over as well. All three of the girls know that Harry is my ex boyfriend and they're totally okay with it, once they got to grips about the fact that I couldn't hook them up with any of the single boys.

"Yeah, that's my middle name, so what?" I shrug and take the paper off of her.

"So you're Harry's Georgia-Rose," Maria muses taking a sip from her coffee cup. I frown at her for a few moments.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, not entirely sure what she meant by that comment. They all exchange glances again before bursting into laughter. I just watch them until they calm down enough to tell me what's going on.

"Haven't you heard One Direction's new song?" Layla asks me with a grin. One Direction's new song? I don't really listen to One Direction anymore, I can't bear to hear Harry's voice. I shake my head and they giggle again.

Maria runs out of the room and appears again with her laptop. "Well, we'll show you it then." She opens up YouTube and then types something in before placing it on my lap and pressing play.

As I watch the screen my heart starts to beat faster than ever. My eyes search the screen as I see Louis, Niall, Zayn all dressed up in the costumes that they were wearing the night they came into the coffee shop. My breath hitches in my throat when Harry walks in with the boys.

When they call in Marcel my stomach drops and then he's there. My Marcel. My Harry. Tears form in my eyes as I chuckle through them when Liam starts to dance and then they dismiss everything that Marcel has to offer them. Then the music starts and I smile. It's the same old boys, dancing around and being mischievous. Then comes the second verse and I know what the girls are talking about.

Said her name was Georgia-Rose

That line sticks in my head as the song continues and then finishes, my eyes glued on Harry the whole way through. The girls are silent when one single tear runs down my cheek and drops onto my hand.

My heart aches when I think of him. I cry when I remember leaving him. I miss having him around. I miss his laughter, I miss his hugs, I miss his kisses and I just miss him.

I push the laptop off of my lap and scramble to my feet.

"Where are you going?" Maria calls after me as I rush into my room and start to pack a bag.

"I'm going to get my Harry back."

(AN: Sorry it's short! Thought it might be more dramatic that way! Thank you for all the comments and votes and shizzle! Love you all! Comment, Vote, Fan! xx)

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