Chapter Three - May I take your order?

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Harry's POV

*2 months later*

"Louis, I am not doing that." I tell him as he bounces around in front of me, begging me to give in and go along with his stupid idea. His eyes widen as he pulls his best puppy dog face, pouting his lips and clasping his hands together in front of him.

"Please Harry," he begs lowering himself down to his knees making it a very uncomfortable position for both of us as his face is very close to my...private...area. "Come on, Hazza. It'll be fun, I promise." I shake my head once more before turning away from him and wandering into the kitchen. I'm suddenly craving pizza. I think we might have some leftover in the fridge from a couple of days ago. I know that sounds disgusting, but it's what I need right now. Just as I open the fridge Louis comes barging into the kitchen after me, stamping his feet onto the cold tile floor. I take the pizza out of its box and turn to look at him as I bite a piece off. He continues to glare at me and I start to feel a bit uncomfortable.

"You okay, Lou?"

"I've already bought your costume now so you have to come," he yells into my face and I stumble back into the fridge knocking over a few cans of beer.

"Jeez Lou, you nearly screamed my head off," I complain stepping out of the fridge and closing the door behind me. "If it means that much to you I'll go, okay?" Louis' expression softens and he drops his arms from their crossed position. He smiles at me before bouncing forward and hugging me quickly before shuffling away.

"Thanks, Haz," he says quietly as he leaves the room and I think he's the quietest he's ever been. Ever. But then, "BOYS, HE SAYS HE'LL DO IT!!!" I laugh before finishing off the piece of pizza and throwing the cardboard box into the bin.


I can't believe it. I actually look...good? Well, when I say good I mean that you can hardly tell that it's me, but I have to say that it's not a look that I would want to stick with in the future especially when I've got this tattooed, bad boy look going on at the moment. Louis is actually better at disguises then I initially thought.

Louis has dressed me in a pair of brown tailored trousers, a white shirt, a brown tie, with a brown checkered vest over the top and a thick pair of nerd glasses. He's even styled my hair completely different by slicking it back and putting it into a quiff kind of like Zayn's. Speaking of Zayn, his costume is even better than mine. Somehow, I have no idea how, Louis managed to get him to agree on dressing us as a girl. It's brilliant. And I have to say, he makes a very attractive girl. If he was actually a girl, I definitely would if you know what I mean.

Liam is dressed up as a dance choreographer and not a straight one at that. Niall's dressed up as some fat business man, while Louis has dressed himself up as a rather hairy business man. I love how I got stuck with being the geek.

"So what are we supposed to be doing dressed like this?" I ask as I straighten my tie in the mirror of the downstairs bathroom. "We're not just going to sit around like this are we? 'Cause that's bloody weird."

"No, we're going to pull some ladies, obviously," Zayn says from where Liam is doing up his skirt. Woah, that's a weird sentence to even think about.

As soon as Zayn says that I get an image of Emily-Elizabeth in my head. I haven't seen her since that concert 2 months ago and I'm hurting. I know the lads think I'm over it but I'm not. I'm really not. She was my everything I hate myself for treating her like I did. I guess I just felt that because she was mine, I didn't have to work on the relationship as much as I should of and that's why she left me. I wasn't putting my time and my energy into us as a couple and that frustrated her. She didn't see how much I love her even if I didn't show it in overly dramatic romantic scenes. I hate myself for not stopping her from leaving and for not telling her how I really feel, I was just drowning in my own self pity and I didn't stop to think what she was going through which should have been my main priority at the time.

"You okay there, Harry?" Liam asks patting me on the back as he walks past me. "Or should I say, Marcel?" He hands me a name tag, that looks like it's been stolen from an old fashioned American store, with the name 'MARCEL' typed in bold letters on the dotted line. I clip it onto my vest before turning to the others and trying to stifle a giggle. We look I sight, I'll tell you that now.

"We're going to have fun tonight," Louis says in a rough voice but his accent doesn't sound like anything in particular. It sounds like he's trying to be American but failing miserably. If I'm going out dressed like this I might as well act the part as well.

"I totally agree," I say in a high pitched accent making a little strangled noise after saying it and playing with my hands a lot. This makes the boys laugh at me and the shove my shoulder as they run past. I laugh and follow them out of the house. I have a feeling tonight is going to be... strange?

Emily-Elizabeth's POV

"Two hot chocolates, one espresso and a blueberry muffin," I say as I place each object onto the table in front of the customers who smile and thank me politely before continuing with their conversations. As soon as I turn away from them my smile disappears and I go back to being grumpy Emily. I'm missing out on going to a party to work tonight. Tonight was supposed to be my day off and then I get called back in because Priya has called in sick tonight and I know that Priya is at the party because she was invited at the same time I was.

I walk into the back room and slam the tray down onto the counter. Someone chuckles from behind me and I see Tom stood with his arms folded. Nessa, Tom and I all work at the same coffee shop which is handy because you work better when you're with your friends so when we're all together work doesn't seem that bad.

"Calm down, little one," he teases pretending to whip me with the towel he's holding but misses by a few inches. "I'm stuck here as well, you're not the only one that wanted to go to the party." He's right, he has to work tonight after being invited to the party as well. Lucky Nessa, she gets to attend this super awesome party that everyone will be talking about tomorrow.

"I know," I mumble turning towards him. "I just can't believe Priya did that to me, you know?" He nods and walks closer to me putting the towel on the side and leaning against the counter next to me.

"Everyone knows she can be a bitch sometimes," he tells me biting his lip. I roll my eyes with a nod. I should of expected this from her, I know. I'm a little too trusting sometimes. The bell attached to the door of the shop rang out signally that more paying customers have entered and expect service. "Now get back out there and serve them customers like you mean it." He tells me picking up the tray and shooing me out of the back room. I snatch the tray off him, give him a false glare which makes him laugh before turning around and wandering over to the new costumers and I must say, they are one hell of a bunch.

There's two rather old men both dressed in suits; one that's rather round on the belly side and the other that's rather hairy. There's a young girl dressed in a blue shirt and a tight skirt, what looks like a fitness fanatic and an old fashioned, geeky boy. Well, here it goes.

"Hello there, my name's Emily-Elizabeth, may I take your order?"

(AN: *le gasp* I had to leave it there! Let me know what you think in the comments! If you haven't seen the Best Song Ever video then I've linked it on the side bar so that you can see what they look like! I tried my best to discribe them but it's so hard! Just to let you know, Best Song Ever hasn't come out yet in the fanfic and you'll see how the video links with the story later now! :D)




love <3


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