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Fun fact of Jungkook:
4~ Jungkook is called Golden Maknae as he is good at almost everything.

His eyes widen in shock when he saw me but he smirked when he realized who I was. I glared at him as the memory of last night run through my mind again. Jungkook? So that's his name? Interesting... But what do I do? I'm not on good terms with him at all!! I'm screwed...

"Class, quiet down a bit and allow Jungkook to introduce himself alright?" Miss Chong gestured to Jungkook for him to start his introductions. He cleared his throat and smiled widely, waving slightly at the class. I can already hear some girls swooning over his good looks as I rolled my eyes. They don't know the real side of him. "Hi guys, my name is Jungkook and I just transferred here from Singapore. Yes, Singapore so I can speak English. My mom is a Korean so I have learned quite a few Korean words to be able to get around here in Korea. But I am still quite new here, I just moved here a week ago, please take care of me!" He bowed 90 degrees and smiled wider (if he actually can).

Miss Chong clapped and smiled warmly at Jungkook. "You may choose any empty seat." Jungkook glanced around and stopped while looking at me. I quickly avoid his gaze and look around the classroom to find an empty seat far from where I'm sitting. Unfortunately, the only empty seat was right in front of me. No... I thought silently as Jungkook walked swiftly towards the desk before me. It's chair was out, as if inviting him to seat there. In my fit of irritation, I kicked the chair pretty hard such that it was tucked back with its table. Jungkook stopped in front of me and glared. "That's a warm welcome." He said sarcastically. As he pulled his chair out and sat down. As everyone were busy taking out their materials to prepare for class, they weren't aware of my disapproval, except Yuri.

Yuri stared at me, confused and yanked slightly as my arm. "What's wrong with you? We are suppose to welcome him. I know you are the ice princess, but don't act so cold at the time, will you?" Yuri whispered with a tint of disappointment in her voice as she turned back to the front to take out her booklet. I'm not cold all the time... I thought silently as I looked at Yuri's slightly irritated features. I glanced down at my desk, hurt that she will say such a thing when she knows that whatever I do has a reason.

After our first few periods, it was time for recess. I packed my things slowly, still hurt by Yuri's harsh words as Yuri linked arms with me and pulled me up. "I'm Sorry Jessica... I don't mean it, I mean like I'm sure there is a reason for your actions right? After all you are just Ice Princess and not Ice Unreasonable Princess?" Yuri giggled at her own joke as I started to smile at my best friends' silliness. Yuri then whispered to me "Tell me about it okay?" I nodded as I was dragged off to the canteen, excited to meet my other friends.

Yuri and I sat at one of the longest bench at our usual table after taking our food as we are seniors and we had 9 people sitting there. I told Yuri about what happened last night, shuddering now and then at the horrible memory. Yuri was fuming on the other hand. She gripped the metal spoon so hard that I thought it bent for a second. "I'm fine now though Yuri, I'm alright. I'm just glad that you aren't mad at me anymore." I proceeded to eat my spaghetti. 

"Sica! You know that I can't be mad at you for long! Our longest quarrel lasted two days! Hahaha! Anyways, if I see that pretty boy, he won't be pretty no more." Yuri glanced around angrily. I giggled. "Thanks Yuri but don't do anything. And...pretty boy? Is that why you chided me? Cause he is handsome?" I rested my head on my hand and glanced at Yuri, excitedly that I can tease her about something now.

Yuri blushed and stuttered. "N... No? He...he is just looks. His attitude seems like shit from your encounter. If only I met him first, I can actually beat him up." She cracked her knuckles but started to devour her food. I smiled. 'That's why you are my best friend.' I thought.

"Heyyyyy Ice Princess and Black Pearl!" I hear a loud ringing voice boom through the canteen. I turned my head towards 7 other girls. They were the centre of attraction. We all are, the 9 of us. We are well-loved by girls and boys the same. Mostly because of our looks I guess? But we are kind-hearted too. But sometimes, we gain jealousy stares too which are very much uninvited.

The other 7 popular girls crowded around our table with Yoona and Seohyun sat on my left and right. Seohyun side-hugged me. "Unnie! Been a while since I saw you! I miss you so much!!" She said with slight aegyo, after all most of her actions look cute whether the intention is there or not. I smiled. "Back to you, I miss you too. All of you!" As I looked around the table at the beautiful faces of my friends.

We continued to chat about our holidays trips and what happened during the times that we had not seen each other during recess time which lasted an hour. On our way up, my arms were linked with Hyo Yeon this time as we chatted about dancing as she is the dancing queen and I knew how to make my movement very graceful, we clicked on the topic about dancing.

At the corner of my eye, however, I saw Jungkook sitting at the corner of the staircase, his leg stretched across the stairs as his eyes were closed. He literally blocked the path of the staircase with just his body.

Oh no...what should we do? I'm not looking forward to talking to him at all!

A thief stole my first kiss, JK ff <COMPLETED> Where stories live. Discover now