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Fun fact of Jungkook:
1~ His real name is Jeon Jeong guk

My heart stopped and my eyes widen in shock. Who does this guy think he is to steal my first kiss? How dare he, doesn't he know that I am chased by many other guys in my class?

A random stranger pushed me back into an alley and against a wall. Before I could react, he slammed his lips against mine and that's how a stranger stole my first kiss.

I felt angry and betrayed. My first kiss was stolen by a rude and inconsiderate stranger. He pulled back when I was still in my stunned state. He had brown/black hair which looks really soft, he had almond shape looking eyes, he has small soft lips and he looked really cute. He was wearing a black hoodie with a grey/white shirt inside and black jeans. His round eyes stared at me for a second.

'Hey thief!' I heard a woman call out as she ran past the alleyway.

He smiled and moved two steps back so that I can see him clearly in the moonlight. He smirked and his eyes glinted with charisma. He swing a black branded handbag with glee, chuckled and walked away. He took a few steps towards the walkway before glancing back. "Your lips are soft and sweet." He flirted before running swiftly off into the darkness in the other direction. As I saw his back disappear into the night, I blushed deep red and touch my lips. 'What happened?' I thought as I regain my senses. I walked out of the alleyway onto the road.

Suddenly, I heard a shout. "Hey! Thief!" A slim woman came running back, she looked at me with astonishment in her eyes and a tint of fear. "Did you see a teenager boy run this way? He was wearing a black hoodie and he was holding a black branded handbag. He stole my handbag!" She cried as she sank to the floor. I was shock as I tried to comfort her. "I just withdrew a thousand dollars, for my son's laptop...Gone...like that..." As she cried in my arms.

I got my voice back from the shock and said "I saw him. I will get your handbag back." Before sprinting off towards the direction he ran off. 'That guy.... That stranger who stole my first kiss... Was A THIEF!' I thought, furious at the thought of a thief stealing a handbag and stealing my first kiss, gave me even more energy to run even faster. 

After running for a while, I saw a black shadow strolling in the distance while swinging the black handbag. 'He must be happy, huh?' I thought angrily. I ran up to him and tackled him to the floor. I was on his stomach as I slapped him hard and grab onto the black handbag from his hand.

"What the hell?" He shouted as he glared at me before he smiled dangerously. I felt threatened as I swiftly got up, I was about to run back when I was tackled by the thief. 'Oh great, is this a game?' I thought, irritated. He pushed me roughly to the ground as he tried to get the handbag back, I kicked his chest hard as he slid backwards onto the ground. I stood up panting and I glared at him. "Don't you have the guts to steal a handbag from a lady? And to steal MY FIRST KISS?!" I screamed at him.

Afraid that he would tackle me again, I ran back to the lady with full speed. Luckily, he did not pursue me. I saw the young lady sitting on the ground, still weeping. I slowed down and smiled, holding the black handbag up like it was a prized possession. She glanced at the handbag and smiled widely. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH!" She hugged me tightly.

I grinned as I felt proud of my good deed. "No problem, be careful okay?" she nodded as she walked away swiftly as it was getting really late. I felt a gush of cold wind as I quickly my steps to reach home faster, scared that I will meet that thief again, or maybe even someone worse.

On my way back, as I was waiting for my lift, I hear footsteps behind me. They were light but swift. I was too afraid to turn around so I prayed that my lift would arrive sooner. *DING* my lift arrived, as I step into the lift, I heard....

Ps. It will involved characters that are Kpop idols cause I'm a huge Kpop fan! Do help me by clicking the star button, one click is a vote thank you so much for making it filled with orange, doesn't it look better than being empty?

A thief stole my first kiss, JK ff <COMPLETED> Where stories live. Discover now