of blind dates and many mistakes

Start from the beginning

The puzzle pieces fall together in Dan's head, and he bites his bottom lip, contemplating his next move.

On one hand, this guy, Phil, is attractive as hell. Dan hasn't been on a proper 'date' since his sophomore year of high school when he took Katie Herring to the movies and he kissed her and she cried. He could use a bloody date with another, very cute, consenting adult.

Dan also doesn't want to eat alone. He's starving and it could take him a good while to find another restaurant, so why not stay here and eat before he actually implodes?

But on the other hand, this is totally wrong and Phil thinks Dan is someone else.

Dan opens his mouth and closes it again.

"I'm sorry if this is awkward," Phil starts. "I've never done this either if it makes you feel any better."

"I haven't either, to be honest." Dan answers.

Phil's face contorts into a funny little smile and Dan can't help but smile back.

"Louise didn't mention your name?" Phil says.

"Oh! I'm, uh, I'm Dan."

"It's nice to meet you Dan," Phil replies, still smiling shyly. "Do you want to go take a seat, I had them set our table up already, if that's okay?"

Dan nods his head, unable to answer.

Phil shares a word with the hostess and she leads them to their table, Dan's heart hammering in his chest, his head on a repeat mantra of ABORT, ABORT, ABORT . He can't believe he's actually doing this, and he briefly wonders if it's too late to make a break for the door.

Phil pulls his chair out for Dan to sit and he stares at Phil, then at the chair, then back at Phil.

Oh screw it, he thinks. Who wants to eat alone like a complete loser anyway?

He sits down, thanking Phil, then thanking the hostess when she hands him the menu.

He opens the first page and his eyes go wide at the prices. He knows for a fact he can't afford this. Wonderful.

"Dan, get whatever you want. My treat."

"Oh, you don't have to-"

"This restaurant was my idea, remember?" Phil says, almost teasingly. Dan swallowing, because no, he most definitely does not remember.

Dan lets out a forced chuckle.

"You're quite the romantic, aren't you?" Dan says, eyes flicking from the candlelit table to Phil's eyes.

Phil shrugs.

"I haven't really been on a date in a while," Phil admits. "I wanted to make sure I got it right."

Dan's heart clenches in his chest and he wonders who the fuck Phil is and what planet of kindness and sunshine he descended from. He's only managing to make Dan feel like even more of an asshole.

"I haven't either." Dan says, which is the unfortunate truth.

They're interrupted by their waiter, asking what wine they'd like for the night.

Before Dan can even say he'll pass, Phil is picking out a name from the wine list.

Their waiter nods and leaves and Phil looks at Dan and frowns.

"Oh, I hope you like red I didn't even-"

"I do." Dan says, smiling reassuringly before Phil can continue.

Phil sighs in relief.

"Good, sorry, sometimes I can get a little carried away."

Dan waves him off.

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