Chapter 29: Gather The Rest Of The Team

Start from the beginning

"At this point I doubt anything would surprise me," I said standing.

"10 bucks says you're wrong." 

I walked away from Nick, with my gym bag, and grabbed my punching bag as he began to speak again.

"There is a briefing packet waiting for you back at your apartment. Is there anything you can tell us about the tesseract that we ought to know now?" He asked as I continued to walk away. 

"You should've left it in the ocean," I said leaving.


IronMan P.O.V.

"Light her up," I said to Pepper as I flew toward my tower.

"How does it look?" Pepper asked when all of it was lit.

"Like Christmas," I said. "But with"

She began to blab about a campaign tomorrow. Oh how I hate those. 

"Pepper," I cut her off. "You're killing me at the moment, remember, enjoy the moment."

"Get in here and I will," She said sweetly.

I landed on the side of my tower and began to walk towards it as my suit was came off from my tech. 

"Sir," JARVIS's robotic voice said. "Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. is on the line."

"I'm not in. I'm actually out," I said in a 'matter of fact' tone. 

After a moment JARVIS said, "Sir, I'm afraid he is insisting."

"It's fine, JARVIS I've got a date," I said not really wanting to speech to anyone from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coulson's P.O.V.

"I'm afraid that he is busy and doesn't want to speech to anyone right now," Stark's robot said.

"I don't really care if he is busy or not, I need to speech to him."

"I don't think Master Stark will allow that."

"Well he is going to have to allow it this time. I am sure that once he hears what I have to say whatever he is busy with will be able to wait."

Ironman's P.O.V.

"...How does it feel to be a genius?" I asked Pepper after we'd been talking for about 30 seconds, from the time I entered the room.

"Well I really wouldn't know, now would I?" She said turning her gorgeous body around so that she was facing me.

"Really? All this is from you."

"No. All this is from that," she touched my chest where the arkreactor was.

"Give yourself some credit. Stark tower is your baby, give yourself... 12% of the credit." 

"12%?" She asked.

"An argument could be made for 50."

"12%? For my baby?" She said while walking to the bar.

"Well I did all the heavy lifting, literally I lifted the heavy things. And sorry, but the security snap through that was on you." My comment got a groan from her. "My private elevator-"

"You mean our private elevator?" She asked while pouring some wine. 

"It was teaming with weird sweaty workmen. I'm gonna pay for that.

We had a few more remarks for each other before JARVIS disturbed us saying that his protocol was being overridden. Then Coulson got on my phone and began to speak.

"This is urgent," the agent said.

"Then leave it urgent," I wouldn't speak to him now.

Just then the elevator doors opened and Coulson stood in the doors.

"Security reach," I said to no one in particular. 


"Phil. Come in," Pepper said standing to go great our guest.

"Phil? Uh his first name is 'Agent.'"

"Come on in," Pepper sweetly said again this time he did step forward. "We are celebrating."

Coulson's P.O.V.

"Come on in," Pepper said grinning as I stepped forward. "We are celebrating."

"Which is why we are busy." Stark gave me a forced smile as he joined Pepper.

I ignored them, knowing I had a job to do. I continued speaking, all business. "We need you to look this over."

Stark looked at the file I was holding out in front of him and said, "I don't really like being handed things."

"That's fine because I love to be handed things. So lets trade," Pepper said giving me a glass of alcohol, taking the file, taking Stark's glass, and giving the file to him.

 Stark and I started to speak about the file, which he seemed annoyed about being handed. Then Pepper butted into our conversation, seeming to know what I came her to speak about.

"Is this about the Avengers?" Pepper asked making Stark and I go silent. "Which I know nothing about."

"I thought the Avengers was scrapped. And I thought that I didn't even qualify," Stark said walking away from Pepper and I.

"I didn't know that either," Pepper said.

"Yeah apparently I'm vulnerable, self obsessed, and don't play well with others," Stark turned to face us as he spoke.

"Now that I did know," Pepper nodded.

"This isn't about the personality profiles anymore," I finally said.

"Ms.Potts," Stark said no longer facing us but messing around with his technology crap. "Do you have a second?"

IronMan's P.O.V.

"You know I thought we were having a moment," I said when Pepper joined me.

"I was having 12% of a moment," I gave her an 'are you serious look' before she continued. "This seems serious, Phil's pretty shaken."

"How would you know this?" I asked. "And why is he Phil?"

"What is all of this?" She was looking at the files I had managed to pull up with my tech.

"This is, uh..." I swiped my hands across my fancy laptop allowing all the files I had pulled up to appear in the air. 

Pepper let out a sigh as she looked at the files that appeared to be floating. "I'm going to take the jet to D.C. tonight," she said.

"Tomorrow," I insisted.

"You have homework, a lot of homework."

"Well what if I didn't?" I asked looking at her.

"If you didn't?" She asked our eyes meeting. "You mean when you finished?"

Coulson's P.O.V.

"If you didn't?" Pepper asked Stark, they seemed to have forgotten my presence. "You mean when you finished."

"Yeah," Stark said.

"Well um then..." Pepper leaned in to whisper something into Stark's ear so I turned my attention onto something else.

"Square deal," Stark said after Pepper had told her little secret. Pepper leaned in to place a passionate kiss on her boyfriend's/boss's lips. 

IronMan's P.O.V.

"Square deal," I said after Pepper got done whispering her gift to me.Pepper smiled and leaned forward, placing her perfect lips onto mine. 

She pulled away, smiling, then turned to go on her trip. She began to speak to Phil about getting a ride to an airport as her and him both got into the elevator. 

Sorry for the late update!!!

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