28| Facing the Past

Start from the beginning

However that didn't last long because next thing I knew he once again got a hold of my throat and lifted me off the ground. "Remember what I told you."

"How can I forget you pathetic attempt of a death threat." I said before he tossed me to the floor, landed on my back a few feet away from him. Then a red blur ran into him and they once again fought it out. Cisco took advantage of that moment to help me off the ground.

"Are you crazy!" He yelled as he pulled me away. Barry was on the floor once again with the man and yellow hovering over him when suddenly he was thrown back by a wave of fire that came from a man a few feet away.

"Our race is not yet done. See you soon, Flash." The other speedster said before he disappeared. Caitlin immediately ran towards the burning man and looked at him with hurt in her eyes, that's when I realized that it must be Ronnie. When Barry got up he walked angerly past me and back into the building.

"Come on let me get you stitched up again." Caitlin said as she walked beside me, and although she acted that seeing the man she loved become a different person didn't affect her it was clear in her eyes how much she was hurting.

Once Caitlin was done stitching me up again she moved on to Dr.Wells who was laying down on the medical bed. I was sitting down on a chair while Barry paced back and forth in front of me, so I was just waiting for him to start talking.

"What did he mean by remember what I told you?" Barry asked accusingly as he stopped right in front of me.

"It doesn't matter." I replied not wanting to cause him more problems than he already had.

"It doesn't matter?" Barry repeated in disbelief. "It just seems you can't stop keeping secrets can you?"

I wasn't suprised that he pulled that card so I stood up. "He threatened to kill me if I left Central City." I informed them as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Why wouldn't the Evil Flash... nope that doesn't sound right." Cisco said thoughtfully.

"Cisco focus." Caitlin told him.

"Right why would... the man in yellow want you to stay in Central City?" He finally asked and shrugged.

"All he told me was that I was an important asset to his plan." I said not really knowing what that meant myself.

"Diane can we talk...alone." Barry asked and when I nodded he walked into the treadmill room and I followed. I closed the door behind me and waited for him to speak. "What are you still doing here, shouldn't you be on your way to Starling by now?"

"I don't have superspeed to packing took me a while." I replied as he looked back at me unamused.

"Why would you do that?" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice."

"Do what?" I asked.

"Get in the middle of the fight."

"He could have killed you." I stated annoyed.

"He could have killed you!" Barry yelled, and my eyes widdened in suprise.

"I don't care." I said quietly, seeing how much this whole situation was affecting him.

"I care Diane." He replied in disbelief as he began to pace around the room again. "You were supposed to be far away from here, not involved in any of this." I did say anything, annoyed with myself for being another thing he had to worry about. "I don't want to lose anyone else I care about to him."

"You won't lose me Barry." I said, and I sighed. "Sorry for becoming another problem in your life, anyways I should get going."

"You're leaving?" Barry asked.

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