Chapter 23-Sam's Dream

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As everyone was dancing and having a good time, I noticed Chris looking sad in the corner. I went over and put my hand on his shoulder. He pushed it off him. "Don't". He whispered then walked away. Was he upset that I killed Suvarna?? Did he miss her??? I thought he hated her. "Chris"?? I called. 5 minutes later, he came. He didn't look too happy. "Tell me what's wrong". I said. "Why did you press that stupid thing"?!? Chris yelled through tears. I shrugged. "She's gone because of you"!!! Chris screamed. I could tell he was upset. He missed her. Alot. While watching Chris run away, I stood there, confused. I honestly thought he hated her because he got upset when I called her. I ran after him. Even though he wants me to leave him alone. After about an hour of running, Chris stopped by a house. I finally caught up to him. "Chris, who's house is this"?? I asked while panting. He took a deep breath and wiped away tears from his face. "This was Suvarna's house. This was the place we had our first kiss". Chris replied. We both stood there in silence. Until Chris looked at me and said,"I don't think I can trust you anymore". My heart sunk after hearing that. Right after Chris said that, Harshini came. "What"?!?! She yelled. By that time, I was crying. Harshini was by my side, hugging me and telling me he didn't mean it. But I know he did mean it. He was right. I killed his first love. His first everything. I felt horrible. "Chris, I'm sorr-". I tried to say but got interrupted by Chris. "Save it". He replied then walked with his head down and his hands in his pockets. I cried more. My heart was broken. As I was walking home, I saw a trail. Of fairy dust. I followed it and it lead me to a big machine. I looked around to see if someone was here or not. Nobody was to be found. I was afraid. Should I go in it?? Should I leave it alone?? I went in the machine and closed the door. I was instantly knocked out. The machine was changing colors and shaking. It was throwing me from side to side. My motionless body went from wall to wall. The machine then started to spin and jump. It stopped moving. When I woke up, I was in my bed. I heard Marcel and Clarissa playing, mom and dad talking and Ashley wasn't in my room. It was all at dream. "That was one crazy dream". I said out loud. (Hey guys. So this will be the last chapter. I had so much fun writing this story. Shoutout to Alexendra_Cunning suvarnagunachandaran because they played big parts in the story and they are absolutely incredible. I love them so much. Thanks for reading this story. Bye for now)

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