Chapter 8-Where Have You Been??

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There she was. I found her. She was laying on the ground, covered in dirt and grass. I ran to her and put my hands on her chest. "Please wake up. Please". I cried. She looked up at me. "Sammy"??? She asked. I gave her a big hug. I was so happy that Clarissa was found and alive. But I had a feeling someone was watching us. "Something isnt right here". I said while looking behind me. Just when I was gonna grab Clarissa, someone jumped out and grabbed me. Clarissa fell and I screamed in fear. "Who is this"?!?! I yelled. "Put her in the car". I heard one guy say to another. The second guy covered my mouth and tied my hands back. I was then thrown in the car. I looked at them and started to kick. One guy tied my feet together. I couldnt move. "Where are we gonna put her"?? One guy asked. The other one shrugged and got in the car. I looked back at Clarissa who was crying and shaking. "Take the tape off her mouth". The driver ordered. I gasped for air so hard. "What the hell are you guys going to do to me"?? I growled. They both laughed and shook their heads. We drove for a while. Maybe a half hour. Finally, we arrived at some abandoned house. I was taken out of the car and thrown into the basement. "Now you will stay here until we feel like letting you out". One man explained. I was confused. Who are they and what do they want?? Maybe Chris hired them?? Maybe Ashley did?? Harshini?? No. She wouldn't do that. Would she?? I had so many questions in my head. I walked around the basement. I saw pictures, papers, chests, and a bunch of old stuff. Suddenly, something jumped out at me. I screamed. It was the body of my mother. But how is this possible?? Shes dead. She died in the bathroom. Maybe, that was someone who looked like her. Maybe, it was a dummy that looked like her. This is really freaky. Now I have to investigate where my mother really is. I went up to her body. She was wearing the same outfit when I found her dead. I touched the hand. It moved. I jumped. I touched the leg. It also moved. "What is going on"?? I said outloud. I touched the head. Next, the eyes. The eyes opened. I screamed. One of the guys came in. "What is going on in here"?? He asked. I pointed to my mothers body and her opened eyes. The guy looked over my shoulder and screamed. He told me not to move and I was frightened. I moved my head and I saw the body moving. I screamed and ran out of the room. The guy followed me. So did the body. "Woah, dude. Whats going on"?? The other guy asked because he saw me running. He saw the body and immediately ran. I couldnt believe this. My mother was alive. (Hey guys!! Sorry I didnt update in a while. I was busy. But I hope you like this chapter. It scared me too while writing lol. Leave a comment. :) byeee!!)

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