Chapter 20-You'll be back

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What Suvarna said to me kept playing in my head. I was her next victim. Does that mean she is going to kill me, lock me somewhere??? "Did you really mean what you said"??? Ashley asked. Suvarna smiled. "She tested my temper. So of course I mean it". Suvarna answered evily. "Then, I want in". Ashley demanded. While Suvarna and Ashley were finding ways to some how do something to me, I was with Harshini protecting myself from that. "Look on the bright side, you'll be with Chris". Harshini said, trying to lighten the mood. I looked at her and she frowned. "I don't want to die". I whispered. "You know, you girls can talk quieter because we can here what your saying. Sam, you might die". Suvarna blurted out. I turned around and looked at Harshini like I just saw a ghost. I like Suvarna. But not when she is planning on killing me. (A few hours later) Ashley and Suvarna had their plan already. I don't know what it is but it's coming wether I want it to or not. "Hey Sam, come here"!!! Ashley called. "Don't do it, Sam". Harshini begged. I sighed and went to Ashley. I looked back at Harshini and she was crying a little. "What Ashley"?? I asked. Right then and there, Suvarna was sneaking up behind me about to hit me with something. But she stopped. She went over to Ashley and whispered,"Use your power". Ashley smiled evily and got her power ready. She pointed it me. Right when she shot it, Harshini comes flying in front of me and gets hit by it. "Damn it"!!!! Ashley and Suvarna screamed together in anger. "Holy crap, Harshini"!!!! I screamed in fear. Harshini was on the floor, fading away. "No. Harshini. Don't go". I cried. "Sam. I-Im sorry. S-She hit me. I must go. Good luck with your life". Harshini said then faded away. Forever. I cried. Then I looked up at Ashley and Suvarna. "You did this!!! She was my best friend and now she's gone!! Why do you hate me so much"?!?! I screamed. Suvarna looked kind of guilty while Ashley looked like she didn't really care. Nobody said anything. I ran away and slammed my door. "Why didn't you hit Sam"?? Suvarna asked. "Well I was going to. But Harshini jumped in the way". Ashley explained. "You killed her". Suvarna started to yell. "How was this my fault"?!?! Ashley shouted. "You didn't follow the plan"!!!! Suvarna yelled louder. "You told me to use my power"!!!! Ashley yelled even louder. They kept yelling back and forth for about 20 minutes. Harshini isn't gone. I will find away to get her back because I can't fight Ashley alone. Don't worry, Harshini, you'll be back.

Will you find me??Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin